Chapter 1: Thena's Ordinary Life

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Thena's POV:

Just a normal day at school as I thought to myself. I've been drained out about the project that we did in Science, at least I can talk to Jhon and Leia. I wish that they won't care that much about it.

While I was walking in the hallway, someone screamed near my ear and in surprise that I jumped out in fear.

I shrieked at the top of my lungs, Jhon was trying to hold his laughter but failed to.

"Hahahahahah, you should've had seen your face!" He pointed at me as I stared at the floor, blushing intensely.

Everyday he does that with a playful smile on his face, shameless emerald green eyes, fair skin and wearing his "lucky wrist watch" EVERYWHERE!

I was lost in my thoughts when a roach crawls nearby. I screamed in my head, petrified in the real world because of the terror I was witnessing. What will happen if it goes near me?!

I was cut out of my void when I saw the roach getting squished by shiny heels. "My hero!" That's what I said in my brain, relieved that the thing was gone. The girl filled with pride, letting her hair swing side by side, her slim waist seems to move to its own rhythm. She looked at me, her exquisite lips curled into a dashing smile, her freckled face looking as sweet as how her dark brown eyes glimmers.

"Thena!" she said as she rushed towards me to give me a hug using her right arm while holding her favorite book using her left. Forgetting about acting like the usual to not let them notice that I was beat I responded "Hi Leia" with a worn out voice as I forced a smile.

Leia's POV:

Why does Thena tend to do this for some time now, I sighed knowing that she never wanted us to be worried.

"So are we gonna go to the cafeteria or what?"Jhon said, running towards the cafeteria. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" he shouted as Thena and I chase him down the hallways.

-Time Skip ('Cause I'm lazy)

We ate our usual, siomai rice riceburger steak. After eating, we ran outside the building to get some fresh air.

The vast field outside the building was just a wonderful sight to always visit before going back to our classroom. All of the flowers swaying to the luscious-cented breeze. I just love going here.

Jhon's POV:

We all sat on a chair, making ourselves comfortable. "So, is something bothering you Tin?" Leia said, reading that book I nearly threw away because I never liked it.

"Yeah, are you dead tired because of the project in Science?" I asked. She nodded silently. "I hate that subject and I don't like Mrs. Jessa's greed in giving out high grades. I only got 84, sucks to be me!"

Thena laughed her face off. "Well, I got 90" Leia said in triumph, like always, filled with her uttermost pride. I thought she was twisting the truth a second there. Welp, women are most of the time are a mystery in my point of view, they seem to be telling the facts even thou they're lying.

"How about you Tin?" she said finally ceasing the eagerness of her laughter. I glanced at Thena, my hope shriveled when I heard her say " I got 95 ..."

"DAMN IT!" I shouted. Those girls think that it was humorous, Leia cracked up while Thena snickered.

"Well I'm going back to the classroom, recess is nearly over guys!" I screamed as I ran, going back to the class. "NOT FAIR!" Leia screeched as both of them ran trying to catch up to me.

What a beautiful day.


Guys, I just wanna say that:

=This story is my bff's story

=I wanna let everyone know that I'll show all of the main characters' normal life (There are 5 of them)

=Sorry if I'm slow at uploading stuff

=Please don't put any hate comments

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