The beginning of everything

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Well... There are so many things that I need to tell you about. But let's start with the time when everything started... 3 years from now.

I was in the last year of secondary school. I felt like I don't belong there... I just knew that something's wrong with me but I didn't know what that is. I have a really bad story from that time. I had been working in a small supermarket like everybody else at my age. I just wanted to make money so I don't have to ask money from my parents. I really liked to go to work because I was able to separate my life and work. It was the graduation year so full of stress and I needed something to switch my head off and working is the best method to do that. I was a simple cashier, then I was promoted to some sort of leader as a student. I enjoyed every single second that I spent in the shop and started to think about that I should leave the school and start working... But luckily I didn't do that and graduated successfully. There were so many things that manipulated me so I wasn't able to think clearly...

I had a huge argument with my parents. My mother and my sister just moved to another house and I was left there with my father. The other day my father told me to move because he won't support me and he will move as well. I had to make some decisions to be able to live and decided to move to my brother. They are really poor so I had to work harder, had to apply for more shifts and so on... I had been living with my brother for 1 year with the fact that I have no one to turn to and no one was there for me to support. I had to grow up as fast as I could. It was around October (2016) and I should've prepared for graduation but instead of that, I had to go to work every single night to get enough money. My shift started at 9 pm and ended at 7 am. I went to school after the shift and I was in school until 6 pm so I had about 3 hours to sleep before I have to go to work. It was a tough time for me but taught me how to live on my own. I had been doing this for around 7 months. In spite of these facts, I finished the year with a really good average (4.2 / 5) so I was proud of myself. I finished my final exams with great grades so I had a chance to apply to the university where I'm now. Living that life wasn't easy but I moved on.

Honestly, this isn't the hardest part of my life. I realized that I'm a little bit different from everybody else. I just wasn't sure about what's wrong with me. I had no one to ask for help or just some advice. I had to figure this out on my own because this thing drove me crazy day by day. I spent a lot of time with myself and finally found the problem. Girls weren't the only one that I'm interested in. Usually, people call this thing bisexual but to be honest, I don't really like to call these on their names. I think there shouldn't be any difference between these things so I don't talk about it often. So yeah... exploring this thing was the hardest part of my life.

What is that thing, the secondary students interested in the most? Love, of course... I wasn't an exception from this. But at that time, I fell in love with a girl. We were together for 1 year. She was a really really complicated case so I couldn't continue that thing with her so we broke up. After a short period of time, I fell in love for the second time. We were together for about 3 months and broke up. I determined that I don't need anyone until the end of the university. As a matter of fact, I kept that promise. But not completely. I wanted to explore things with boys so I started to interested in those things... That's all you need to know for now.

I could be able to talk about a lot of things which happened to me 3 years ago, but those things wouldn't be as important as it is, so leave it in the past. My next story will be about my last 2 years. A lot of things happened to me, including disappointments and enlightenment.

Don't forget: you're beautiful inside and out. Don't let people determine your life. It's your life so use it to live as free as possible! <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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