Chapter 7

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A week had passed since I had involved myself for the first time with Jack, and for some reason I was still thinking it was a dream. I never used to be this way, and we never used to feel this way. My tour with Mark ended the night before, so I thought about stopping in at Jack's work. As I stepped into the rink, I felt different; like Jack and I could really be something. "I'm here for Jack Barakat."

"Ah, you must be his lover." The guy at the front desk enunciated the word lover.

"Oh, nononono. It's not like that." But before I could protest anymore, I heard Jack's voice.

"Oh no? Such a shame. I really thought you enjoyed last week."

"I did. It's just the term lover is a little old fashioned and too early in the gamer for us to use, don't you think?"

"Fair enough." He chuckled with me, allowing me to see his dimples after what felt like ages. "So how about we get out of here?"

"I thought you wanted me to visit you at work?"

"That was originally the idea, but I want us to try to actually go on a date."

"Jack, you know everything about me." I protested. "You even knew the size of my penis before we hooked up."

"I know, but we've never gone ice skating, and since we are here I thought we could go for a spin."

"Okay." I understood now, that I wasn't just his sex partner. He wanted to take this relationship serious. "Show me the way." He gestured for me to hold his hand, and I did, without any regrets.

In about fifteen minutes, we had changed into ice skates and already moved onto the rink. "So, have you had any previous practice out here, or is this really your  first time?"

"Okay, so I've been taken lessons when I'm not at work. Now you're going to have to trust me." He said as he took my hands in his and tried to pull me his way. As uneasy as I felt, he succeeded, and I was starting to be sure of my position on the ice. "Ok, I'm going to go for a round, and just watch how I glide. It'll be easier to join me then." I nodded and before I knew he was halfway around, still smiling intensely at me. "It's your turn now," He pulled me in and I went strong for a while, till I couldn't coordinate with my legs and fell on top of him.

"Sorry," I felt embarrassed, but tried to shake it off.

"It's okay. You'll get the hang of it soon." I trusted his encouraging words, and stabilized myself with him; Jack reassured me and helped me learn the basics.

We spent an hour on the ice, until Jack decided to finish off and head out for a break with me. "So are you off at work?"

He nodded in response. "I took the day off last minute. But I guess it was worth it." I looked down, my eyes following the sidewalk we were walking upon, but my hand found his, and I held it in mine.

"I'm glad I'm worth it." I say, just enough to play.

"Oh I never said you were. I could've been talking about the skating." I let my hand release from his.

"Something you do all the time is more interesting than doing me?"

"Who said I was interested in doing you?" We came to a stop and he folded his arms.

'You did. Last week- when your dick was inside me -I hope you remember that." I stood inches away from his lips. 

"Is this your way of wanting a kiss from me, or are you just going stare at my lips?"

"Well your lips have always been an interest of mine, but I never thought of it to be in this manner. I'm a professional; I don't like to get involved in that kind of stuff."

"I'm not so sure I believe that. You may just be into my lips, but last week you seemed to be into the rest of my body. Your I right?"

"I'll take that kiss now." He placed his lips on mine. As soft as they felt, the texture gave me a sense of loneliness. These lips hadn't met another pair of lips in a while. I inserted my tongue, fighting for dominance against his. Five minutes passed and we broke apart. I smiled, looking into his eyes. "That wasn't so bad."

"Wasn't so bad?" He raised an eyebrow; making me melt inside. 

"Yeah...let's do that again."

"Do what? The making out part or the date part? Or maybe you just want to skip to the sex?"

"You'll just have to find out." With that, we headed out the door.

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