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Mikes prospective

      Valentines day is coming up soon and idk what i'm going to give Will. Maybe a box of chocolate I thought to myself as I lay in bed waiting for Will to come over.Then I hear the door downstairs open .  Nancy begin talking to John and I hear Wills footsteps up the stairs."hey how ya feeing"Will says as he walks in "better,I can eat by myself now" I say while sitting up"thats good i've been thinking about Valentines day and i wanted to know what you wanted" Will says and sits down on my bed."I don't really want anything   but for you to tell me what you want"I say grabbing his his hand."I don't care what you get me as long as it comes from you"he says softly."same I say"

     A few hours later and we're waiting on Dustin and Lucas to come over but I don't think Lucas will.We hear the doorbell ring and Dustin  come upstairs."hey guys whats up"Dustin says as he holds a puppy in his hand and sits it on my bed."aww a puppy whats its name"Will I says while petting it "idk yet its mikes dog."Really"I say happily while thinking of names"yeah  talked to Nancy at the hospital and she thought it would be good for a support dog after everything you've been through the last year."Yeah they really help my mom got me Spike for a support dog last year after the whole upside-down lab stuff"Will says as he continues petting him."Well i'll name him Doug.

    It's the next day and i'm finally able to go back to school.As i ride to school on my bike i think about what i'm going to say to Lucas and what i'm going to get Will for Valentines.I arrive at school and head to the group meeting place, but nobody was there I looked at my watch and it says 7:45. We always meet here at 7:45 on the dot all of a sudden I here WELCOME BACK! my friends jump out from there hiding spots and say."Wow guys" I say surprisingly while looking for Will.I do a check list in my head Dustin,El,Lucas,Max but no Will."Wheres Will I ask sounding worried."idk man but i'm sure he's ok"Lucas says. I go inside and use the phone to call Wills house to see if he's sick.I hear the rings and someone answer the phone"hello" I hear his mom answer.It sounds like she is crying "hey is Will sick or something. Why isn't he at school" I say even more worried."They took him " his mom said and hung up.I run back to the meeting place and say "hurry no time to sit around they took Will lets go"we ran the the bikes and started toward the lab.We pick up Steve ,our body guard if we get into this kind of trouble, and started again.I think to my self not again not again how could I let this happen.

    We arrived at the lab and get off the bikes and I start to cry at the sight of the building.The person I love is in there for the second time and it didn't end well the last time.I just got my strength back and I feel like i'm losing it again just looking at the place where so much bad stuff happened.Then we here a scream and I knew it was Wills we ran to the entrance and sneak inside.We had a plan Steve, El , and Max take care of the guards me and Lucas get will and Dustin is the lookout"  we creep down the hallway  until we hear sobs coming from a door "I don't know I really don't" we hear will say on the count of three 1...2...3 we bust in and start the plan.

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