shes done

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Marinette's POV

Chloe and Lila always pick on people, especially me I'm so tiered of it no one ever stands up for there selves. I want to but I'm scared, im ladybug I should stand up for myself, ladybug is convenient and I'm her so I know I can do it.

"Hey maritrash, where did you get those shoes." Chloe said

"I think she got them from the trash." Lila said with a disgusted face.

I was mad but I didn't do anything, then they walked over to Rose and julika and pushed them on the ground.
And that made me even more mad.
Do they enjoy making people miserable. I walked over to rose and julika to see if they were ok. Julika was ok, but rose hurt her knee and she was tearing up.

"Hey Rose it's ok don't cry" I told rose.

"O-ok, why do they have to be so mean to everybody" Rose said as she wiped away her tears.

"I don't know but someone has to stand up to them or they're never going to stop." I said.

As I looked over I saw them trip mylene. That made me angry, so I put my foot down and walked over to Chloe and Lila and I tap both of them on there shoulder they both turned around and looked at me like I was stupid.

"UGH, it's maritrash." Chloe said

"What do you want little brat." Lila said

Then they pushed me, but I didn't fall. But the fact that they pushed me made me even more mad then I already was I couldn't take it no more so I snapped.

You know what I'm done!

(Yay another story honestly I love to make new storys it makes me happy)

Bye little bugaboos 😽🐞

She SnappedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ