Marinette and Mr. Agreste

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Adriens POV

Oh my god, what the hell is she gonna do. I have to follow her, but without being noticed. Wait, I know what to do. I hurry up and run behind a building.

" Plagg, claws out!" I said, maybe I should have told him? Oh well. To late now. I jumped from building to building to get to my house, once I got there I saw Natalie and Marinette pull up to my house. Once they went inside I snuck in so I could hear what Marinette is gonna say.

Marinettes POV

Me and Natalie walk in the agreste house hold, she then began talking.

" Just wait here a moment" she said and I'm guessing she went to mr. Agreste's office.
Natalie then walked out of the room and adrien's dad walked out.

" so young miss dupain-cheng where is my son" Mr. Agreste said rather coldly.

" Well I would rather not say-" he cut me off

" What do you mean you would rather not say I demand to know where my son is!!" He yelled at me, I just rolled my eyes and continued talking.

" Well if you let me speak then you will know sooner... If you tell me why you punish him from going to school to be with his friends, if he doesn't do one thing perfectly that you want from him." I said angry at adrien's cruel father.

" I don't know what... You are talking about miss dupain-cheng" Me. Agreste shook his head keeping that calm yet cold glare twords me

" Then I guess I'm not telling you where your son is " I said shrugging and about to walk away

" Wait" I hear his cold voice... Honestly I don't even know how he adrien's father but besides that thought I smirked then turned back around switching my smirk to a fake sweet smile

" Yes ? " I asked

" Why do you want to know about mine and my son's relationship" he asked and I can just sense his annoyance

" Because it effects him and it makes him upset like something is wrong" I stated

" Well why would you care after all your only friends with him for his fame and money... Am I right?"

" NO! You are completely wrong, I deeply and truly do care for you son Mr. Agreste" I said with my hand in fists down by my side as I look at him

Adrien's POV.....


sorry I haven't been posting I've been having wrighters block

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