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The Crack

Shatter, Crack, Whap;

Oh look how far they can go

So far into the rabbit hole that,

they can't escape the grasp of the enforcers

who see, see the weakness of them, 

But, oh fast the all fall,

falling down, down, and down

until all is black now.


Insanity is like the color of white walls surrounding me.

Smelling the chemicals and toxins infused together;

Tasting the expired medication that sedate me;

Hearing the vacant driveway filled to the brim with cars;

Feeling the box of what the mime is trapped in;

Looking like a fight between me, my sanity, and the creeping of insanity;

But, insanity is the enclosure that I live in, and calling it a HOME.


The motion present, and around me

with all of the roads telling a story about me,

no motion occurred, the one around me.

No more of the screeches of tires, honks, and shouting;

No more of the noxious gases that carried memories;

But there was me, still at base.

Waiting for the movement to occur again

slowly movement returns again,

then me once standing, now riding wherever the movement takes me.

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