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"Alanna to gorilla."

Čula sam kako me zovu.

Pa dobro. Nije tako strašno. Samo moj debut u najvećoj wrestling kompaniji. Not a big deal.

Biti WWE Diva je moj san od djetinjstva... Odrasla sam uz legende poput Hulka Hogana, Bruna Sammartina, Breta Harta, Trish Stratus i Lite na televiziji.

Doslovce sam slavila kad bi tata upalio TV i rekao "WWE time djeco!"

"Hey. I think you'll be great out there."

Natalya , živuća legenda ove tvrtke, i trenutni Divas Champ me tješi.

S obzirom da je moj prvi meč upravo s njom, njene riječi su zapravo prilično utješne.

"Thanks. You know... It is an honor to be in the same ring with you."

"Wow. Never thought of it that way."

"Girl... Your dad is Bret Hart. It is an honor for me to speak with you."

"Lol. So I guess we see each other outside-"

"Hey Al, I am your companion outside."

Seth Rollins? Really?

"Umm. Yeah. Okay. I saw the script. Will there be, ya know... A kiss or something?"

"Maybe. But I promise, no tongue involved."

Ova ekipa je kraljevska.

"The one night that we wait for,

When it's all put on the line..."

(A/N: Ova pjesma gore :))

"That's my theme, let's go Seth!"

"Entering the ring, from Zagreb, Croatia, weighting 130 pounds, accompanioned by Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins, she is debuting, Alanna!"

Publika je vrištala...

Upijala sam ljubav publike... Pa osjetila Sethovu ruku oko mog struka.

Osjećala sam se neugodno, s obzirom da Dejan i ja nismo zapravo prekinuli.

"Seth... I have to tell you something later."


Natalyina pjesma je krenula, ja sam čekala u ringu.

"And her opponent, weighting 145 pounds, accompanioned by Tyson Kidd, she is the current Divas Champion, Natalya!"

-Nakon meča-

"I still can't believe you beat me. You are the No1 Contender now girl! And you are a rookie!"

"Thanks Nattie. This is basically my dream."

"It really should be actually. I have to admit it's such a great honor... I remember when I was a rookie Diva, and I had the contendership for the Women's Championship. I was really freaking out!"

"Al! Great Suicide Dive out there. Can you come here?"

"Sure. Bye Nats, see ya around."

Otišla sam prema Sethu.

"Hey, what did you wanna say out there?"

"Ummm... I am sorry Seth. I mean you are gonna laugh at this but I really do not know if I am single or not."

"What? I mean I am not hurt I am just really... How in the God's name did you manage?"

"Do not ask. My boyfriend is a football player and... on the World Cup finale, he proposed on me-"

"And you ran away. You really can fuck up a relationship can ya?"


Pa... Ranije nego sto sam obecala.

Ima puno engleskog sad u ovoj knjizi. Ucite djeco. Sorry.

Okay :)

Anđeo (nastavak BND-a) - Dejan Lovren fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now