Chapter Two

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      It has been almost 2 weeks that you were at your new high school. It was lunch and your days you were here you scouted out the campus to see the best places for tricks on your board. You saw a stair case that was long but not to long. It was perfection, and a best place to start off at this new school to show them what a skater is. You haven't seen anybody with a board here so you were the seed to this garden.
     You walked up to the stairs and tested your board and scraped the bottom of it on the railing, it was perfect but the sounding the board scraping on the railing was music to your ears. You smirked at the feeling it would give you, you walked back from the stairs to get more speed, you have done this millions of times so it was a deal breaker to land this. You got in your position to run and skate but you heard a lady yell at you to stop.
     "Stop young lady, no skating on school property!" she yelled while speed walking to you.
     This was your time to shine and get some attention. You are used to all the attention and spotlight, especially you're special of messing with the teachers. You looked back and saw her still running at you, now you ran. You ran just enough speed to land it, you landed on your board and kicked the back of your board doing an ale but landing on the stair rail successfully earning more of a rush to your stomach. At the end of the stairs, you hopped again and landing on the board not falling or messing up to make a run for it from the teachers. But you overheard someone yell at you to watch out, you looked in front of you and there was a mean old man in front of you not moving and making you stop. You pushed the back of your board scraping the bottom to stop you from crashing into the man. He looked like the principal, yea you thought more fun for you. You stopped in front of him but all he had on his face that was readable as 'annoyance'.
     "Who watch out old man I almost hit you" you smiled at him with but he had just more annoyance more than ever.
     "My office now!" He yelled, "I want no excuses!"
      "Can I ask what I did wrong mister?" You asked him like you had no idea what was going on and putting your innocent face on.
      "Follow me now!! And give me that board" he attempted to snatch the board but moved it from his grasp before he could touch it. He just looked at you with a death glare ready to plan your funeral.
     "Ok ok, I'm going" You raised your hands in surrender laughing when he turned his back.
       You walked behind the mad man and walked into his office. He sat down so you sat down in the chairs that were in-front him. "Do you even come here? I haven't even seen you here before" he eyes you suspiciously. "I'm new sir, came here two weeks ago to be exact" you decided to sit and lean back.
      "Well, you're already on my shit list" he pointed at you.
      "Wow wow wow no need for the inappropriate language and finger-pointing sir" I pointed at him back.
      "You skated on school grounds and on school property, that's two rules that you broke right there"
       "Well I didn't see any no skating signs anywhere?"
      "I will not waste my time on you, you remind me of a student that comes here that has the same mentality as you. Just to make it short ima just give you detention after school" he pulled out some papers and signed them giving the one you, "your lucky that I won't punish for all that ruckus you made out there! You could have hit someone and been severely injured"
      "Well mister I am a responsible skater and know what I am doing and fully aware of my surroundings" You smile
      "Let's have a look at your records hu? That would be fun to do," he begins to type on his computer and pushes his mouse then his printer begins to start and print pages. The pages don't stop tho, it was what seemed to be like an endless stack, he looked back at you in bewilderment. "Is that even possible?!? It's like a freaking book!" You snicker at his reaction.
"Me oh my my- vandalism, disrespecting staff, damage of school property, and your most recent was...," he paused completely not moving at all, "you were expelled at your other school for, pulling a false fire alarm and blasting the fire extinguishers in the hallways making all the students to make a riot! Now how is that even possible?!? Your worse than John Bender I think? But I will not accuse. For your records, I will now assign you-Saturday detention...How does that sound?" He smiles at you, you smile back sarcastically then drop the smile in half a second.
You walk out after he gives the paper of verification pissed off but you have nothing better to do than be with your old man. You walk out of school grounds and just skate to a nearby skatepark to relieve some stress not going to your other classes.

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