i. we will rock you

193 15 3

↳˳ੈ;; ❝ buddy, you're a young man, hard man
             shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday
             you got blood on your face, you big disgrace
             waving your banner all over the place
             we will, we will rock you. ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗:

Christine was absolutely ecstatic. The smell of sweat and the heat of bodies pressed together, the rising clamour of the crowd, her heart that hammered in her chest so hard she thought it would burst out. She stared at the stage from not far away, with a spot she'd given all her hard-earned pay for.


She was going to see them.

Suddenly a low, suspenseful note slowly started rising from the speakers, and the lights dimmed. The crowd hushed a bit, but most of the adulating fans were still screaming. Christine didn't blame them. If she wasn't utterly petrified, she would've done the same and shrieked her brains out.

The sole tone climbed an octave, and she could feel the public's exaltation. There was electricity floating in the air.

And then out of the blue sounded a thunderbolt, then lightning. The lights swayed around and the still-empty stage was clouded in smoke.

Suddenly the Red Special sounded, and a few seconds later came a quick drum beat. And then there they were, three of them running down the drum stairs, Freddie swinging his microphone around, John immediately hitting the disco moves and Brian bopping his head to the sound of his guitar, his curls bouncing around. The smoke cleared as they played, and she spotted Roger behind the drums. Her heart skipped a beat as he banged on the kit, playing a song she didn't know.

She did a double take. A new song, maybe?

But she had to cry out in joy when Freddie starting singing 'We Will Rock You" over a new beat. She liked it.

She was already on her feet and jumping up and down, pumping her fist into the air and yelling the lyrics along with strangers beside her. It took a few moments for the song to finish.

As Deaky and Roger hit the intro of 'Let Me Entertain You', she stopped jumping and just watched, eyes wide, still quite having trouble processing she was there. This was it. This was the best night of her life.


She had been jumping and screaming for an hour now, and her throat might've been raw and she might've been drenched in sweat but she was euphoric. The music had wings and it was everywhere, in her ears, in her brain, in her heart, it made every single fibre in her body sway to the rhythm. 

After playing 'We Will Rock You'—the original version, this time—she cheered as Freddie sat down at the piano. He looked at the crowd with a smug smile, and his fingers played the first notes of 'We Are the Champions', making the crowd roar.

As his voice and the floating melody soared through the Montreal Forum, Christine felt tears stride down her face. She loved them so incredibly much and their music was so breathtakingly beautiful it made her heart ache.

"I've taken my bows, and my curtain calls," the legend sang. "You've brought me fame and fortune, and everything that goes with it... I thank you all!" he yelled the last sentence, and the public cheered in answer.

She'd taken the woman beside her, a total stranger, in her arms, and they were both sobbing, grasping at each other, not trying to speak but communicating through the whimpers they choked out, heartbroken by Freddie's voice, Brian's guitar, John's bass and Roger's drum. She was crying but she'd never been as happy.

"We are the champions... of the world!" Freddie chanted as Roger and Brian stretched out the last note.

And then, she was truly heartbroken by the sheer beauty of them.

They stopped playing and Freddie strode to the front of the stage, followed by Brian and Deaky, then soon by Roger. "So long!" the lead singer yelled out. "Goodbye, Montreal! Thank you for being such a good sport! Hey hey hey!"

The crowd was screeching, and Roger threw his drumsticks to the crowd. He let himself fall on the floor before pushing himself back up, and Christine smiled through her tears. "Alright, let's go get fucked!" Freddie went on, and she let out a cackle, her stomach a tight knot.

And that was it.

She'd seen Queen.


oh wow okay. this is my first fanfic, please don't be too harsh! and i know the first chapter's pretty short, but you'll meet roger next chapter ;)

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