Bad luck Reef [Part one]

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The next morning.



    Who knew Ripper can dance.

Well.... even though I know he got lessons from Lo and my Brother. Do you want to know how?

   I saw her phone out on the table Emma was done cleaning and it was already open. Then the first thing came on my mind was a video of Ripper and Eren dancing. By dancing I mean Ripper constantly stepping on Eren's foot.

Sal: Oh my god!

"Yoink!" A familiar voice and hand grabbed the phone out of my hand. I turned around to see Lo who's always comes here in the worse time.

Sal: Oh Lo, you did a great job.

Lo: Right? I started to laugh so hard I almost threw up.

Sal: Whoa new Lo was about to laugh so hard she started to puke? Ew Lo is going to puke!

Lo: I was kidding!

Sal: Haha okay okay sorry. So what happened when I was with Ripper?

Lo: Well daddy wanted to bring more tourists by arranging a Salmon-Fishing retreat with your dad.

Sal: Eww really?

Lo: Yes! So I told him that's not going to bring any extra tourist ... "not even the cute one."  So my mom insisted to make me find a way to bring in more guests.

Sal: Your Mom always got your back. So what did your dad say?

Lo: He said I got until lunch time. So I called Laird Hamilton's publicist.

Sal: Waiy.. a publicist from-

Lo: Yeah Yeah from THE Laird Hamilton

Sal: Ha HOw!?

Lo: I knew a few people and I'm good with persuasion.

Sal: And that you are.

Lo: Short story I snagged the vintage surfboard and told daddy about it.

Sal: I would take he was very proud.


Sal: So what about the Lo and Reef they seemed a bit.

Lo: Closer.

Sal: Yeah Reef even gave wild flowers to her. I'm not sure he knows the flowers were poisonous.

Lo: Oh they will be fine. So while you and Ripper were off on that date. Those two were having this competition of who's the better one.

Sal: And who won?

Lo: Welp no one did becouse those two got so called stranded.

Sal: Wait stranded?

Lo: Well no I thought they were but they were just close to the hotel right minutes away. We almost saw them kiss too!

Totally stoked!!!  Ripper x Oc on HOLD Where stories live. Discover now