1k special :)

2K 32 38

requested by: @marmky

edit: i get out of school tmr and im so excited. besides that, heres the new and improved version of "when he proposes to you" when i was at 1k. ty all for over 30k reads, it means so much <3 also, for the sake of it, kevin lives in an apartment. i wanted to make this as realistic as possible but i still dont know in what kind of box he lives in lol. while writing this i just imagined myself wearing white wine mom outfits with red lipstick on and very damaged blonde hair and im just not vibing with it

also dw there's a part two and mayb three
enjoy !

being with your significant other for a long time really makes you wonder how your future would look with them. would you two get married? divorced? become parents?

no one knows their future, and thats kind of scary if you think about it. everything can be taken away in a snap, which is why you shouldn't take things for granted.

that being said, you wondered where kevin was. you were currently seated on the sofa in your shared apartment, scrolling through netflix. you were alone at home, while he was off somewhere. it was around 8pm, and you couldnt remember where he had said he'd gone because you were too busy watching your favorite show.

for all you know he could be off somewhere talking to rats about his problems. you sighed, shutting off the tv. you stood up and stretched, deciding to go take a shower.

as you were grabbing your towel, you heard your phone ring. you looked at the screen, you saw the words "kevin<3" on the screen. you smiled slightly, sliding the little green button to the right before holding up the phone to your ear.


"babe?" how nice it felt to hear kevin's voice. "get dressed, we're going to dinner in an hour and i know how long you take to get ready, so thats why i called ahead of time! i'll pick you up at home, bye!" he said, not giving you a chance to speak before hanging up. you furrowed your eyebrows, confused. you didnt know if this was a prank, but since you had time, you hopped in the shower.

no more than 1 hour later kevin indeed came to pick you up. you were already dressed, making sure your outfit isnt too fancy, or too moderate. after all, you didnt know where you two were going.

opening the front door, you saw kevin smiling, holding a little bouquet of flowers. "here you go darling, i hope you like them." he winked, wiping his sweaty hands on his pants right after you took them. he was nervous, to say the least.

"aww, kevin... this is so sweet!" you exclaimed, before furrowing your eyebrows for the second time that day. "oh no,, did i forget something? is it something special today?? oh my god kevin i feel so bad right no-" you were right in the middle of rambling before you were cut off by kevin's chuckling.

"dont worry, i just wanted to do something nice for us today. no special reason." he smiled sweetly at you before holding his hand out for you to take. of course, you took his hand. he lead you towards your shared car, opening he passenger door for you.

you sat down, closed the door and you two were off to god knows where.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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