The new student

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                      You entered the school on your cycle. You looked around. Several students passed you. You were engulfed in confusion. You could see kids waving there parents goodbye. You had no one to wave to. You lived in Sacheon with your parents. You had a small and wonderful family,just you, your mom and your dad. Your parents were murdered by God knows who because of some property matters. You missed them a lot. It had been a month since they had been murdered. Your aunt took you in her custody and brought you to Seoul. She didn't like you at all, she was even planning to kick you out so you had bought a tent just in case and also started to work part-time in a convenience store. Your aunt also abused you. She would beat you which would cause bruises but you still believed in God that he would save you from all of this. You were about to get off from you bicycle when you were knocked over by someone. You fell down and your cycle fell on top of you and the pain, multiply the abuse was not really bad because you were used to these pains. You quickly got up."Can't you see me crossing the road?" He had a black hair and a big forehead and a weird earring. He seemed to be a bully. He continued blabbering about stuff when you just walked past him when he wasn't looking. You didn't want any bullies on your tail. You put your cycle on the cycle stand and went towards the office from where you were taken by a teacher named Mr.Kim to your class. It was class 2-3. 

He entered the classroom first and you waited outside. Then he called you." I am (y/n)(y/l/n) from Sacheon and I hope we get along." You gave small smile."You can sit in the empty seat there." He pointed towards the empty seat in the last row, next to a boy who had a kind of blonde hair. His head was down. Everyone was hooting (the boys). You just ignored them and went towards your seat. You were really intelligent and you did well in class, in Sacheon you used to score A+ grade and you hoped that it would remain that way. The blonde boy looked at you but you didn't notice him. You took out your math book and notebook to take notes since it was math period. You weren't surprised when you saw the guy sleeping through the whole class because most of the kids in your previous school would do the same. You focused on the lecture.

After a few more classes it was lunch period. You packed your bag and headed out for lunch. You took your tray and got lunch and went to find an empty table until you came across one. You sat there and after a while someone else sat across from you. You lifted your head up,  chopstickes in your mouth and your hands were pulling back your hair. You saw the same blonde guy."What?"He asked bluntly. You came into your senses and as soon as you did your chopstickes fell to the floor."Sorry." You mumbled and picked them up and put them in your tray and started using the fork."What's your name?" You asked cautiously."Gong tae kwnag."He said but his voice was muffled because of the excessive amount of food in his mouth. You made a confused face and then just slowly nodded.

"I'm (y/-""(y/n),I know."He said and continued to eat his food. You ate your own food."What brings you here?" You asked."My feet." He said bluntly."No I mean-""I wanted to sit here.""Do you have friends?""Yeah............did you have friends in your old school?"""

"I am the school's madman....""What?""Yeah..."You chuckled and that soon turned into a full laughter."What?"He asked you with chopsticks in his mouth.You laughed harder. He just smiled and looked at you. You had never laughed like this."Sorry."You still chuckled. He stuffed rice into your mouth with his chopsticks. You stopped abruptly and did the same to him. "You are going to pay for that.""Idiot."He said. You stuck your tongue out to him. He did the same to you. You both smiled at each other and started eating again.

After lunch there were some more classes school ended. You got up and went towards the your cycle when someone else sat on it and went away. It was Taekwang. You gasped and followed him. You were an athlete so you easily caught up to him and started pulling the cycle.He started laughing hard. "Get off!" You said playfully. He got off and pushed your head with his index finger. "Idiot."He said. You squinted your eyes and smiled at him."See you later." He waved. and turned around and went away. You got on your cycle and smiled widely.

As you reached your Aunt's house, you saw your suitcase and things on the footpath. You sighed and grabbed your stuff. Your aunt had put your stuff outside and you knew that you were kicked you out. You went to your work place,at the convenience store. You had told the owner about your situation. She had said that could stay in the store for three weeks so you had to do something quick. You took a deep breath and put your stuff in the closet. You had gotten a broom closet as your room. You changed your clothes and went to the library to do your homework and study. It was 3 pm when you went to the library. You shift was at 6:30pm. You studied at the library for two hours because you got little homework. You headed for ride on your bicycle. You went to a store and bought a snack. You grabbed your book and sat on a bench. It was 6 pm. You saw two students who were probably Lee Eunbi and Han Ian. You weakly smiled and then your gaze turned to a small girl holding hands with her mother. They were laughing. You could feel tears in your eyes. You got up and put your hands in your pockets but then you stopped. You felt something and you took it out, it was a candy. You remebered that your mother gave it to you. It was your favourite one. You were about to put in your mouth when you heard the same girl."Mommy I want the purple candy.""Not now dear...."You looked at the candy , it was the same one. You went to her and offered her the candy which she took gladly. You smiled and watched her as she walked away. You rode your cycle and went towards the store. You did your job there and ate ramen, several customers came, You were studying at the same time. After your shift you went to the broom closet and changed your clothes, set your alarm and went to sleep.

school 2015 (Gong tae kwang x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon