Unexpected Visitors

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Hunting is hard especially when it's with a rival. "6" I screamed to Lily, my sister. Another vamp came towards me from behind and knocked me down, "I've got you now hunter" it said as he lend in to my neck, ready to suck the life out of me. "Not if I get you first" Lily said. He turned around just in time to sre his life flash before his eyes......and down came his head. "4" Lily said in a mumble as she helped me up, I chuckled "I'm sorry what was that?". "4 okay. I got 4" I turned around and shouted to the heavens "Queen Mickey wins......again". My sister just rolled her eyes and started to pick up the bodies, I was too but then we heard the roar of a car.

-Lily I think I didn't count right


I hide behind a crate, perks of vamps hideouts being abandoned warehouses. The front door busted open and I heard footsteps. "Dude" one said, he had a deep gruffy voice, it was kinda hot. "Someone killed them" another voice said. "Thank you Captain I can see that......God Sammy what am I going to do with you."

"That Name!!" I said out loud.


I heard guns cocking, "Who's there" footsteps were coming close to my crate. I had just decided that I was going to give my self up but then I heard another voice come into play. "Okay Okay I'm coming......just don't hurt me....."

-Lily what are you doing

~Distracting them so you can kill them duh

This was my chance, I looked around to see I could get closer then I saw another crate. Perfect. I snuck behind it to get a better view of their bu....backs, of their backs. " Who are you?" the short one asked. "I'm Linda I was taken by these.......things.....please help me" Lily said as she began to sob.

-Your good

~Why thank you little sis

I watched as Lily began to cry harder, and that's what brought them closer

~Wait a minute aren't they....

I slowly walked behind them and raised my Machete, but someone came behind me with a gun. "Hey lets not be an Idjit and slowly put done your knife."


I dropped the machete and turned around to......Bobby. My eyes started to weld up, "Hiya Uncle Bobby". His face went to Badass from Loving Father in two seconds flat. He dropped the gun and pulled me in for a big hug, "Girl....I thought you were dead." He looked behind me " Lily is that you". She was already standing, well now running to Bobby. We hugged for surprisingly a long time. "Sorry to ruin this chick flick moment but who are you?"

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