Unexpected Visitors Part 2

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"Sorry to ruin your chick flick moment but who are you?" I guess you could say we look really strange

I have hair the color of the moon and my eyes were a grayish color, but Lily was the complete opposite she had red hair and eyes the color of emerald.

"Ohh Dean you don't remember us that hurts my cold bitter heart" Lily said. "Should we though?" Sam asked. She walked up to them and started to recite some latin words, then all of a sudden there was a bright light. I decided to sneak into Sam's head to see what was going on images of Dean and Sam but also Lily and......it stopped.

Lily had already walked back to her side by Bobby. Dean took a step forwards "MickeyBobJr." he said with a puzzled look on his face. I turn around to see Dean's face in awe. I chuckled "In the flesh". He ran up to me and lifted me, twirling me around. " Wow kiddo you've grown" he said as he set me down. Sam stared at me for a long time so i decided to see what was going on his mind

:Bunny oh my god i wonder if she remembers

Wait remember what......never mind I'll find out later "Well knowing you two idjits who won this round. I shot my Arms up to the sky. "I did Bobby a total of 6 vamps and Lily got 4 Ha in your face big sister" I laughed along with Bobby well Lily just rolled her eyes. "Okay Bobby now that we had our little reunion" I said putting my arm around him " I Need A Drink" We walked out of the factory and left Sam,Lily, and Dean behind.


My bunny......was once again walking away from me and I didn't even get to say HI I'm a freakin'' idiot. I watched until they were out of site but i forgot Lily was still here. She turn and smirked "My, My have you Winchesters grown since the last time we've seen you" Both Dean and I smiled broadly.

She opened up her arms and we both came in for the hug " Boy have you guys gotten stronger" We let go and Dean asked a question that was going to get him killed. "So how old are you 32, 68, 100!" She began to laugh " I would stop laughing Winchester before i say something that will regret you ever being born" that totally shut him up. She turned to me " Sammy kiddo why are you so tall" I smiled " It's because i eat healthy knowing you you still eat diner food, if you ate like me you'd grow taller" She frowned " Oh honey" she put a hand on my shoulder " i don't do rabbit food"

She began to walk away until she stopped and turned around " And neither does Mickey".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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