Chapter 1

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It was the first day at your new school and you were SO nervous. You went to your locker, locker 28. You tried to open it. The first time you failed, the second time you failed, but the third time you got it. You opened your locker to reveal your new schedule, your first class was Social Studies. Social Studies was your least favorite class. You hoped your teacher would be nice. You walked slowly to room 24, and knocked on the door. A blonde haired girl with braces opened the door. You quickly thanked her and then walked slowly in. The room was a light blue, with pirate flags, globes, and maps everywhere you looked. Papers were scattered on top of file cabinets and thinks were very unorganized.

You handed your teacher, Ms.Price, your schedule. She looked at it and smiled.

"Class, we have a new student. Tell use all your name, sweetie." She said to you.

"I'm Brook." You smiled so everyone could see your beautiful teeth that you just got whitened.

"You can sit beside Matthew, the boy in the red shirt, in the back." Mrs. Price smiled. You walked over to your new desk and sat down.

"Hi." You said shyly, looking slightly up.

"Hey, I'm Matthew, but you can just call me Matt. Where are you from?"

You smiled. "I'm from Indiana, but my Dad got a new job here in Virginia, so we had to move." You explained.

"Nice" He said. "I could kind of tell because of your accent." He laughed.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Ms.Price tapped her ruler on the chalk board. "As you all know today is a half day."

A half day? You thought. On my first day?

"If any of you forgot to tell your parents or didn't know, please raise your hand."

You raised your hand very slowly as another girl did too. Ms.Price gave you both passes to go to the office and call your parents. As you walked down the hall, you started talking to the girl who had also raised her hand. Her name was Caitlin. You recognized her as the blonde that had open the door for you a few minutes earlier. When you finally got to the office, you asked the secretary if you could call your Mom.

She said "Of course, sweetheart."

You called your Mom and told her to pick you up at 12:30. When you went back to Ms. Price's class, she handed you the schedule for the day. You went to Ms. Price (Check), then Mr. Hart who taught E.L.A., and then your first elective, Mrs. Day who taught drama. Just then the bell rang. Ms. Price told you that lunch was next.

Matt offered to show you were the cafeteria was and sit beside you. Matt was really nice and kind of cute. Everytime he looked at you, you couldn't help but get butterflies in your stomach!

After lunch was E.L.A., but Mr. Hart wasn't there so you had to do book work with the sub ,Mrs. Springfield. But since you were new you got to read a book.(Which you loved!)

Last was drama with Mrs. Day. She let you film the play that her class was doing since, once again you were new.

Over all you really liked the school, and you really liked Matt too.

You went to your locker when the car rider bell rang and got your book bag. You closed your locker to find Matt standing behind you.

"Hey," you said.

"Hey. Come walk with me." He said.

"OK" You said trying not to blush. You walked outside and sat on the bench. Matt sat down beside you. After ten minutes you saw your Mom's black SUV.

"Bye!" You said.

"Bye." Said Matt. You got in the car.

"Hey Brook. How was school?" Your Mom asked.

"It was good. I actually met someone..., his name is Matt."

"That name sounds familiar." Your Mom said.

You turned on the radio and started singing "Life Of The Party", by Shawn Mendes. Five minutes later your Mom pulled up into your drive way. You got out the car and ran inside. You walked up the flight of stairs to get to your room. You said hi to your little brother Mason, and went into the nursery to see your new baby sister, Sadie. You walked down the long hallway to your new room. You had painted your room red, your favorite color. You had pictures of Shawn Mendes everywhere! He was your idol!

You sat down on your bed and started doing your all-about-me sheet Ms.Price had assigned you. When you were finished you got on your Apple Laptop. You checked your email and then Facebook.

As you were Private Messaging your friend from back home, you heard a loud noise. You looked out the big window in your room and saw a boy playing basketball. He called out to one of his friends. (There were 3 of them) You thought you could hear him shout something like Taylor. The boy turned around and then you knew who it was. It was MATT! No wonder your Mom had thought that name was familiar.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading. I will be posting chapter 2, very soon! Please comment ssome feedback! It's greatly appreciated! Thanks again! ❤ Chloe Brown aka Chloe Espinosa ❤

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