Chapter 2

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You gazed out the window, watching their every move. You could not believe you lived next door to Matt. You decided to go outside and talk to him.

You ran downstairs and yelled to your Mom that you were going outside. You pulled on your garnet vans and ran out the door.

You walked on the beautiful stone pathway, all the way down the street to Matt's house. It was a pretty far walk, considering the houses in your neighborhood weren't all bunched up. (Your parents hated bunched up houses.)

Your heart nearly skipped a beat when Matt turned around.

"Hey Brook! Matt said. What are you doing here?"

"I actually live right there!" You said, pointing to your house.

"S-seriously?" Matt stuttered

"Dead!" You exclaimed

"That's awesome! Oh, by the way this is Taylor and Cameron."

Matt pointed them. They were all very attractive but you just couldn't keep your eyes off Matt. He was sweet, funny and hot! A three-in-one deal! (Kinda cheesy, I know XD)

Taylor and Cameron each took turns introducing themselves and then left to go play some basketball.

"I hope I didn't interupt anything.." You said quietly

"Oh, no, Brook, your fine! Matt said. We were just about to play basketball, do you want to play?"

You thought about it for a brief moment.

Three hot guys, playing basketball... With me!

"I'm not very good, but I'd love too!" You exclaimed

"Great! Cam, Taylor, Chloe's playing. It's me and her, against y'all!"

"Ha! Prepare to eat dust!" Taylor laughed.

"Your on!" Matt bounced back.


Matt had just passed the ball to you and you had an open shoot...that was until Cameron blocked the basket. Why did he have to be so tall?

You decided to just take your chances and throw the ball and hope to make it. As you went to shoot it, Matt picked you up, which gave you quite a leverage, and you threw the ball in, ultimately tieing up the game, 6-6.

You guys took a short water break.

While Matt was inside getting you some water, you couldn't believe what had just happened! Matt had just picked you up out of no where and you had tied the game.

Matt was unbelievable strong and he smelled of cologne mixed with sweat. You never knew that could smell so good, like it did on Matt.

Matt finally came back with water for the four of you. It was getting pretty late, so you told Matt you were going to walk home. He insisted on walking you, saying he didn't want you to get lost, even though you were like less than 5 minutes away from your house!

"Thanks from walking me home" You thanked Matt.

"No problem, it was my pleasure. I'm always happy to walking a pretty girl home!" He said while blushing.

"Aww, thanks. I love getting walked home by such a handsome and charming boy!"

"You wouldn't mind if I...hugged you..would you?" Matt whispered

"Not at all!" You laughed.

I hope you guys liked chapter 2 of Him! Tell me what you think! Vote! 💜 Love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2014 ⏰

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