Phantom of the present Part one

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Hey ppl!!! Wow 501 readers, this is a great milestone for me, but I want to know if you guys could possibly try and get me to 1k sometime this month? Anyway, how'd you like the lemon? Should I do more? like, comment, share And thanks again!!! ;D ps srry bout the length, or lack of it :d

When I woke up Ben was gone. He had left a note saying he'd come back and talk to her later, as he had research to do.

I decided to get dressed and showered so I did that. Then I headed down to the kitchen to see my cousin sitting at a stool sipping coffee.

"Hey cous," I said as I walked past her and to the fridge. She walked over and put her hand on it.

"Anything you wanna talk about?" her tone said she wasn't happy. My first thought? Oh shit.

"No, why do you ask?" I replied with as my voice wavered a bit. My mind was racing thinking about everything I'd done lately.

"Well I woke up this morning and found a boy in weird clothes sneaking out of front window, and when I confronted him he said he was your friend." she stopped to let that sink in. "So, who is he?" she asked. She didn't sound upset, more like she wanted to know if she needed to have called the cops.

"He's a friend of mine, I was helping him with something and we got so caught up in it that we lost track of time, that's all." I said hoping she would bite into it. She looked at me, I looked back, "Okay you got me. But what were you helping him with?"

"Just... stuff," I said. She sauntered over, "Stuff, aye. What kind of "stuff?"

She had a gleam in her eye saying she had an idea of what I helped him with. While I was actually helping him she had probably figured out what we were doing last night.

After not answering and just turning away Sam's face lit up, she knew.

"Ooh you guys had sex didn't you?" she was absolutely joyous like a child who was told he could eat an entire cake. "I saw his face and he looked so hot, what was it like for your first time, hmm?" she had sat me down across from her.

"Sam! Why would I talk to you about my first time it's just like anyone other girls first time!" my face was so red while I was saying this I probably looked like a beet.

"No no no, you have to tell me. If you don't your grounded." she said with a-matter-of-factly tone.

I sighed and sat down "Fine..."

Bens Pov

"Ahh if only Jeff was here," I said to myself wistfully. He would bug me for every single detail of last night. I still missed all the other pastas. But now I needed to hunt down Dark Link. If he had his phantoms all around there wasn't really a person i could trust, except for Aurae of course. After what she'd been was willing to do with me, a psychotic killer, she was definitely the one.

I really had no idea where to look. If only I had a lead..... "Hey Ben, remember me?" a voice behind me asked. My first instinct said it was Dark Link, but this voice was steely cold, not like Dark Link. This voice belonged to-


Falling for Drowning (a Ben Drowned romance)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt