Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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We pulled up at school (we being my sister, mum and I) and got out of the car, my sister and I walked to the coach side to see our friends (Zoe, Phoebe, Katy , Lily and Lea)  and our parents soon left. Our tribe leader (WTF no more like cult leader) just so happened to be my learning guide which sucked but our friendship group was together so that was OK. Whilst the register was being taken I realised that pretty much all the people I hated in our year group were there, well shit, I thought to myself as I scanned the gathering  of stupid before me. 

After the register had been taken we got on the coach, I sat next to Zoe, the trip took what seemed like ages (mainly because of the stupid two boys in front of us who kept saying some weird stuff) but we finally arrived in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. THEN IT GETS REAL, this tall blonde dude get on the coach and the first fricking thing this guy says is 'i'm not Logan Paul guys, I know that I look like him' , and damn he did. It was creepy and I cannot stoo thinking about it.

So then he disappeared and we had to get off the coach and put our stuff in this shack thing that looked like Shrek's shed, then we were told to stand in a circle with these two guys (one was called Lori and I think he was Irish and the other guy I don't even know his real name all I know is that the boys nicknamed him Big D) and do CIRCLE TIME. We had to tell everyone our name and an animal that starts with the same letter as your name, like, dude we've been in the same year group for nearly 3 years and suddenly I don't know anyone's name? No! Then we were made to walk nearly a damn MILE down a really dusty path lined with trees to this bridge thingy (for reference this was like in the midst of the World Cup 2018, so in the heatwave in the UK where I live) and into our camp...

To Be Continued ...

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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