The First Time

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The first time you left me.

Do you still remember?

At the ferry.

It was December, right before winter break.

The tears were coming, and I couldn't stop them.

There were a million words, but I had no voice.

I wanted to run to you, but my legs gave out.

I laid there.

In front of you.

On the ground.

And I didn't care.

I honestly didn't realize.

I laid there curled up like a hurt child.


You tried to pick me up.

I wanted to throw up.

Finally, I managed to get enough strength to get up.

And walk.


But just far enough to be alone.

And then I sat down.

Allowed my body to give up.

To lay on the bench by the water.


Trying to breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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