Chapter 1

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[ Sig's POV ]
"Are you ready?" Hannah yelled from downstairs.
"Yeah I'm coming." I replied to her as I walked down the stairs.

First day of 11th grade, another year of hell for me. We're going to meet up with Ellie at Starbucks. Yes, I know. Basic. But it's delicious.

We drove to starbucks, seeing Ellie when we got there. We all ordered drinks then drove to school. As we got out of the car at school, we all met up again.

"Nervous? I wonder what Braden will say about you this year." I winked as I chuckled making fun of Hannah.
"Shut up Siggg." She replied to me.

Hannah has liked Braden since 9th grade. She's too scared to tell him, and I don't blame her. I wouldn't either. He's super popular but they are friends. The difference between Hannah and I is she's gorgeous, and me.. not so much. Well at least I don't think so.

The bell rang throughout the school as it was time for us to go to first period. Already, I was dreading this day.
"See you guys in third." I said to them as we all parted ways.

I walked into first period and automatically hated it. Jonah Marais was in this class. He's the school "bad boy". He's so mean to people like me. Not to people like Hannah or Ellie. They're gorgeous and popular and have guys drooling over them. I'm just- there.

I sat down next to Sierra. She's friendly and smart, but she's also very quiet. She doesn't talk much. I set my stuff down on the table, waiting for the teacher to start. Before the teacher started Jonah yelled to me
"Hey you! Ugly girl sitting next to Sierra!" I turned around, looking at him in annoyance.
"What do you want?" I replied.
"Ew no, look away from me. Jesus are you trying to blind me with your ugliness?"
"Why the hell did you call me if you don't want me to look at you?" I said to him while turning around, immediately regretting that. I knew he was going to get me back for that later.

Jonah is a bully. He'll hurt me mentally and physically. But I can't show him weakness. I do all the time I'm sure. But, I try not to.

After second period, I walked to my locker keeping my head down. I slowly lifted my head when I got to my locker and opened it. As soon as I opened it, someone slammed it shut slamming my finger in it too.
"Ow! What the fuck?" I slightly shouted, looking at Jonah as Ellie approached.
"Leave her alone Jonah. She's done nothing to you." She said grabbing onto my hand, looking at my fingers.
"Aww, have to have your little friends come protect you. How lame." He said as he chuckled, walking away.

I sighed, pulling my hand away from Ellie and opened my locker again. I'm tired of this. This has been happening since 7th grade, but it started getting worse last year. I heard Ellie talking, but couldn't hear what she was saying. I nodded anyways, and walked with her to third period.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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