The one that got away...

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You broke her
& you lost her
In a world so big
You found her
You could of won
But you chose to lose it all
You rather be doing your own thing
Instead of listening and flourishing with her
She was a true lover and fighter
Boy you sure missed out on her
Just wait
You will see
Your going to miss her
Your going to miss her smiles
Your going to miss her sweet kisses on you
Your going to lust her
One day you will regret what you did to her
One day when she's done hurting for you
She will be happy with someone else living the life you wish you could of had with her
Your going to cry & regret what you threw away
Your going to have flashbacks of her and what y'all did together
Your going to wonder what she's up to
How's she's been
How's she's feeling
How's she thinking
Your going to miss her
Your really are and you don't even know it yet
Till you bump into someone that can't compare to her
Your going to wish they're as understating as her
Your going to wish someone as open minded as her
Your going to wish in someone as patient as her
Your going to wish in someone as loving as she was to you
You will miss the times she comfort you
You will miss the times y'all bonded
You will miss the sound of her voice
& the smell of her hair
You will miss the moles on her face and the wrinkles she gets when she smiles
You will miss her light dark brown eyes you used to stare at and admire for hours
You will miss it all
& by the time you realize your wrongs
She will be gone
& and move on

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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