chapter one

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Landon's POV

I ran through the forest, dodging low branches and weaving in between bushes. My paws were tinted red with blood and my white fur painted a dark brown by all the mud I had previously ran through.

I had to escape. I needed to escape.

A low growl shook the trees. I recognised it instantly as an Alpha wolf's call. He was calling the rest of his pack.

My legs began to feel like sticks beneath me, I couldn't run anymore. The ground seemed to get closer and closer till I realised I was falling. I fell to the floor with a soft thud, breathing heavily due to the amount of running I'd done in order to escape my abusive pack.

* * * * * * * * * * *

When I woke up I was no longer in my wolf form but in my human one. Unfamiliar voices rung in my ears, shouting things like:
"What's his heart rate?"
" Do we need anymore antibiotics, sir? "
" He looks severely malnourished, we should put him on a drip."

By what they were saying I could tell I was in a pack house. The medical bay to be exact.

I slowly sat up, my vision slightly blurred from all the bright lights reflecting off the bland white walls.
My head hurt and my body ached.
" Wh-where am I?" I asked not knowing if there was anyone in the room with me.

A brown haired female in a nurses uniform stopped writing on her clipboard and looked down at me,
" I see you're awake! I'm Evelyn and you are currently at the Blue Moon Pack House! Could you tell me about yourself and how you got here, love?"
She spoke through pearly white teeth and red lipstick. Her voice was confident and bubbly.

"I-I'm lan-landon Howes-Titchmarsh"
She hummed and wrote that down.
" I'm here because I ran away from my pack." I said quietly.

"Oh, honey. That's terrible! What pack was it?" A conserned look covered her features.

"The Moon Stone pack. " I breathed out. Everyone knew the pack since they where sort of famous for the way the Alpha, Caine, treated lone wolves that would pass through his territory. Horse whips would be used to beat the wolves until their skin tore and blood covered the basement floor.

Evelyn didn't reply she looked scared and like she was fearing for her life. The clipboard she was holding got thrown onto the hospital bed I was in and she ran out of the room. I stared after her, confused.

Evelyn's POV

As soon as I heard Landon mention the Moon Stone Pack I turned and ran. I had to get the Alpha. My heart was in my throat as I ran through the maze of corridors.

I stood in front of the Alphas office and knocked a few times before Alpha Richard came out with his son, Ben, close behind him.

" Rich- Alpha! It's important we need you down in the medical bay. It's about the injured wolf we found!"

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