chapter two

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Ben's POV

Dad and I where talking about my birthday wich was coming up in 3 days, when we heard a frantic sounding knock at the door.

We both got up to answer it but dad managed to get to the door first, knocking a large pile of books over in the process.

Evelyn was standing in the door way, slightly bent over, trying to catch her breath. Her hair was messy and was hanging loosely around her face.
"Rich- Alpha! It's important! It's about the injured wolf we found."

Dad's eyes widened then returned to there normal size. " What about him?"

"You need to talk to him yourself, Alpha." Evelyn replied, motioning to the stairs that lead to the medical bay.

My dad turned to me, "Stay here, Ben. You might scare him." This confused me.

"I might scare him! I'm not the one who's going to bust into the bay and start questioning him. You are!"

An angry look was shot in my direction by my dad. I knew I'd just gotten my self into yet another lecture so I just sighed and agreed to stay in the office.

Landon's POV

I could hear foot steps in the hallway, then Evelyn burst into the room. A man- presumably the Alpha- was following close behind her.

"Landon, I brought Alpha Richard to come and see you. He just wants to check how you're doing, if that's okay with you?" Evelyn said giving me a comforting look.

I nodded my head. The Alpha's gaze made me nervous but I knew he was only here to help and was probably really nice.

"Landon, why are you here?" His voice was deep and rough.

" M-my pack, i ran from them. I must of stumbled upon your territory as i was doing so. I ran because the pack members are vicious, cruel and horrible. They would beat the poor lone wolves that would accidentally run through their territory. Alpha Caine, the Alpha would treat me like a punching bag and would beat me black and blue if I did one thing wrong. I wasn't really allowed to leave the pack house, but when they gave me 2 hours at the end of each week I had bass lessons. I had made friends with a wolf that worked in a music shop, I haven't seen them for a while though"

Alpha Richard furrowed his brows and looked at me through his glasses.
"How would you feel if I asked you to be a member of our pack?"

My head shot up and I grinned with all my teeth. "Wait really?"

"Yes, really. Welcome to the Blue Moon Pack, Landon"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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