Chapter 1 - The Arrival

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       Haseul quietly walked down the hall into the empty classroom that no one used anymore. It was the room the unnatural kids used to hang out, meet each other and simply talk about life. As the door creaked open, she was mortified. There lay a student, clearly a vampire from what Haseul could smell, dead, skin pale and eyes empty.

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MONDAY, August 18th.

7:00 AM

The Jo Household

      Yeojin was always the one to be annoying to Haseul. They were siblings, it was natural. So she went into the older one's room and does what any crazy younger sister would do. She began to blast chicken noises and jump on Haseul's bed.

"UNNIE. GET UP. WE HAVE SCHOOL. UNNIEEEEEEEE." Yeojin yelled, whacking the sleeping, older girl with a pillow.

       Haseul sleepily groaned and tried to whack Yeojin away at first, hitting the air, almost hitting Yeojin. However, Yeojin was never one to back down. The siblings were always like this in the morning and it usually ended with Haseul threatening to suck away all of Yeojin's blood unless she shut the fuck up, because well, while Haseul was part vampire, Yeojin was not.

       The two had shared the witch gene received from their mother, but the two had different fathers. Haseul's father was a very powerful, terrifying vampire who wasn't all that nice... However, because of that, Haseul was half-vampire and half-witch. Yeojin on the other hand was a full blown witch. Yeojin's father was technically a warlock, the male equivalent to a witch. He wasn't the best guy either, but he was still better than Haseul's father.

      The two girls, despite this difference, loved each other dearly. They may bicker and fight, but they had to be there for each other, well really, Yeojin had to be there for Haseul, and she was. Yeojin didn't quite understand what it was like to have a hellish father. Yeojin's dad still tried his best, he just had a dark past and it was hard for him to come out of that. He acted, or at least tried to be a father figure to Haseul and for the most part she accepted him as her father, the two had a good relationship, but the reason Yeojin needed to be there for Haseul was because Haseul still had memories of the monster she was once forced to call father. Yeojin always made it easier with her dumb little kid energy and playful demeanor. As annoying as the little prick could be, Haseul loved the kid.

"Yeojin-ah... stop... or I'm going to eat you..." Haseul said, whacking the girl harder.

Yeojin yelped quietly, mumbling under her breath about how Haseul's vampire strength was the bane of her existence.

"Seriously, Unnie. Wake up!" Yeojin said, "WE HAVE SCHOOL. Move in day remember?"

Haseul sighed and kicked the sheets off of her and grabbed Yeojin into a headlock, messing up the girl's hair.

"Alright you tiny frog (she says this because when they were younger Yeojin may have accidentally turned herself into a frog)," Haseul said, "I'm awake. Jeez. Go put on your uniform you idiot."

"YOU HAVE TO LET GO OF ME FIRST LADY." Yeojin said, struggling to free herself from the head-lock her was in.

Haseul simply laughed a little and let go of the girl who in spite threw a pillow at her, which Haseul caught, laughing.

"Okay froggie, go get ready for school." Haseul, "I will too."

       Yeojin and Haseul went to a fairly interesting school. It was a nine-year-long school. Yeojin was currently in Year Dyo (2) while Haseul was in Year Okto (8). The two liked going to school together, unlike the common belief. They enjoyed the fact that they could eat lunch together and be there for each other. They also liked going to school with each other because if Haseul went into a blood thirst all of a sudden, Yeojin was always ready with blood bags tucked away. It wasn't that they couldn't trust their other unnatural friends, it was just that Yeojin was always prepared. Plus, if they stayed together they could keep each other from accidentally telling the humans what they were.

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