chapter thirty: guilty

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tongue tied. | guilty

"Taeyong," the father asked as soon as he opened the door.

Taeyong looked back at him. He was seating on his bed, his body facing the closed window.

"Do you need anything?"

His son shook his head. The father noticed how devastated his son looked. The eyebags were visibly, his messy hair, he hasn't changed his clothes since Saturday. He sighed before walking closer to his son. He sat on the mattress.

Right where Jaehyun and Jungwoo are hiding under.

Both of the boys listened to the old man's conversation with his son. They weren't really interested in his story about his teenage days--the fuck Jaehyun cared. And then, their topic went to Jaehyun.

"That boyfriend of yours...I hate his guts."

Mutual understanding, old man.

The father kept talking bullshit about Jaehyun. He doesn't even know Jaehyun, it was just one night. Jaehyun gritted his teeth and Jungwoo just begged him to control. Even though, he was also upset about how Taeyong's father just ranted about how Jaehyun isn't good for Taeyong.

"Well, I'll get going," his father stood up from the mattress. Taeyong was just looking at the ground, too occupied by the fact that both guys are just under the bed, "I hope you understand us, Taeyong. We know what's best for you."

The father walked to the bedroom door and opened it. Taeyong saw his father about to go out when something he never expected to happen. His heart dropped when he heard a sneeze. He looked at his father.

"Oh, bless you," he said before closing the door behind him.

Taeyong took exhaled the air he was holding for too long. Soon, both of guys moved out under the bed. Jaehyun was nagging about Jungwoo sneezing at a wrong timing.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Jungwoo whispered, "So, what's the plan?"

Jaehyun looked at Taeyong and held both of his shoulder, "We're getting you out here, sweetheart."

Taeyong's eyes became glossy and thanked the both of them. Deep inside of him wanted to stay, not for his sake but for Jaehyun's sake. He doesn't want Jaehyun to suffer if he ever gets caught. But his parents was controlling him and forbidden him to go out. They even locked him in his own room.

Taeyong packed his things up and both of the boys helped him. After, Jungwoo goes down first with the bags and sneaked out of the backyard. Before the couple go out of the room, Taeyong wrote a letter and laid it down on his bed. He was about to grab his phone but Jaehyun stopped him.

"You don't want them to track you, do you? Leave it. I'll buy you a new one."

Taeyong just nodded before he goes down the ladder. Jaehyun followed and closed the window. The man put the ladder back to where it came from and ran towards his car. He immediately drove away from the house and out of the subdivision.

"Jungwoo, if ever they ask you, I want you to put the blame on me."

"What?! No!"

Jaehyun clicked his tongue, "I don't want you to get in trouble. I'll be responsible for Taeyong."

Jungwoo hesitated but he just nodded. Jaehyun dropped Jungwoo to where he said. He parked infront of a cafe and Jungwoo goes out to meet the guy seating on a table for two inside of the cafe.


He didn't pay much attention to the couple inside the cafe and just drove away.

Jaehyun looked at the boy beside him. Taeyong looked back at him and smiled at each other. The man laid a hand on the mute's bare thigh while the other holds the wheel. He caressed the part soothingly until they arrived at the apartment.

Jaehyun brought the bags and followed Taeyong into the apartment. He laid both of the bags into his bedroom--their bedroom, and goes to join Taeyong on the couch.

"Do you feel guilty?" Jaehyun hugged the mute's waist and cuddled close to him.

Taeyong nodded.

'I can't just leave without you. You mean so much to me and you're the only one who could give me this much happiness.'

Jaehyun smiled, "I love you. I promise I'll protect from all harm. I won't let them take you away from me."

'I love you too.'

Soon, they shared a passionate kiss. It melted all of their worries and anger. They suddenly forgot their problems and knew that they were going through hell together. A missing piece on their heart has been completed by one another.

"I should've asked you this last Sunday, but you never came so...I don't know, will you be my boyfriend?"

Taeyong held both of his cheeks and rubbed the tips of their nose together. He nodded with a wide smile. Jaehyun giggled at happiness he was feeling right now. He held Taeyong around his small waist as he looked through into his eyes.

"Will you marry me then?"

Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows.

"Just joking," Jaehyun uttered, "We'll take everything slow. But if you say yes, I'll definitely buy you a ring right now."

Taeyong laughed. Jaehyun loved that laugh, even though it sounds weird to others. The mute rolled his eyes.

'I'll think about it.'

The man nodded, "I'll wait for it. I'll wait for you."

They just looked in each other's eyes after the conversation. Soon, Jaehyun gave Taeyong a peck.

"As much as I want to stare you in your sweater and boxers all day long, but I want to go to the mall to get you a new phone and maybe bring you to a nice lunch."

Taeyong slapped his arm before standing up. Jaehyun pats his ass and pushed him into their bedroom to get dressed.

As soon as the mother came home, she goes upstairs to see Taeyong. She sneaked until she finally grab a hold on her son's bedroom door. The truth is, the father forbidden his own wife to see her son. The mother was against the father's selfish decisions about locking Taeyong away, dropping him out of college, and as well as separating him from Jaehyun.

So, she didn't drop her son out of school.

She quietly unlocked the bedroom door and saw no one inside. She looked around and saw the empty closet open. The mother walked around and saw a letter on the bed.

I'm alive. You guys don't have to worry about me. Don't bother finding me because I'm happier at where I'm staying. I'm much safer away from the both of you.


The mother brought the letter out of the room and goes downstairs. She stood infront of where her husband is. She held a lot of courage to fight her own rights to decide for her son as well.

"We need to talk and it's about Taeyong."

A/N: never made a kind of story that exceeded 25 chapters. hope you guys are enjoying the chapters :)

Love lots ♥

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