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Kaede was sitting in her office filling out some paperwork. She heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," she said, surprised. It wasn't even time for work yet; it was six in the morning.

Kokichi stepped in.

"So you're finally coming to work? You skipped a lot of days this month. If you disappear for one more day, I would have had to punish you."

"Sorry about that."

"Wait, no comeback? What's wrong?"

"...did you ask Kaito to talk to me?"


"That idiot said a bunch of stupid crap about trusting others," Kokichi went on, "but I'm know for sure if what he says is true."

Kaede smirked, "You're not saying outright that he's wrong..."

"That's a lie! I don't believe him at all!"

What's the true lie? Kaede thought, shaking her head. Kokichi thinks he's so smart for his confusing words, but they've known each other long enough for her to see through his two-faced language. She could tell from his actions that he was truly shaken up by something and that whatever Kaito said to Kokichi meant all lot more to him than he would admit.

"What did you come in early to talk to me about?"

Kokichi squirmed a little. A shadow fell over his face as he seemed to be internally struggling with a decision. 

"You can share your problems with us, Kokichi. We are a team, and we will work through all of our hardships together."

For the first time, the liar resolved himself to reveal the truth. It was an odd feeling, preparing to share his secret with Kaede. It felt so out of character... a sudden change of behavior. And all because of a dumbass's words...

Kokichi fetched out a USB from his pocket. Kaede's heart jumped when she saw the label on the USB:

For Kokichi. Do not share. It was in handwriting she was very familiar with: Amami.

"I was given this before Amami went undercover," Kokichi said.

That made sense, Kaede thought. Amami and Kokichi were close friends. Though it seemed as if the situation was getting more and more ominous...

Kokichi plugged the USB into a computer. Opening up a video file. Amami was showed up on the screen in a dark room.

"Hey Kokichi," Amami said, "This is a special message for you. This is top secret. The reason I went undercover is not that simple. I was investigating a new hidden crime network when I found the name of a very covert group: Team Danganronpa. 

"There isn't much time, so I'll tell you this: they are really dangerous. They have highly trained spies and assassins at their disposal. Now, why did I have to tell it in such a mysterious manner? I like being mysterious is one, but also, I wondered how such a powerful group escaped the attention of the police for so long. Right now, the only conclusion I have is that there is a traitor among us.

"In the middle of my investigation, I suspected that Team Danganronpa had caught onto my efforts. By accepting the undercover mission, I'm throwing them off my trail. Anyone at the precinct can be the traitor, so I couldn't tell you in person and make them suspicious.

"Until I get back, keep a close eye on everyone for me. That includes the captain. You are skeptical of everyone, which is why I'm asking you to do it. Please be careful. You are the only one I trust with this information. Trust no one."

The video ended, and Kokichi stared at the ground in silence. Was Kaede mad at him? Probably rightfully so; he had been spending the past months critically analyzing and suspecting her and everyone else around her for being a mole.

Kaede suddenly got up from her desk. Kokichi flinched, expecting to get hit. He was shocked when Kaede suddenly pulled him in for a tight hug.

"What are you doing!"

"I'm so sorry you had to keep this to yourself all this time."

Kokichi felt his face twitch. What's this, real emotions? Ew. He tried to force his face into a smile.

 "Nehehe, what are you being such a big softie for? Maybe this was just an elaborate prank I made with Amami~", he joked, but when he tried to laugh, his voice cracked along with the mask over his heart.

"It seems like you are the real big softie," Kaede teased, "Did you really think you could make our lives easier by keeping such a big secret?"

Kokichi sobbed and hugged Kaede back. He felt it when Kaito told him to trust. Somewhere within him, he wanted someone to rely on. He wanted someone who he would know would never betray him, would never backstab him, someone who he could trust. Trust. Such a funny word. He had suppressed his wish deep inside behind vaults and locks in order to suspect everyone, but now all the locks were turning open on their own. Looks like he wasn't as guarded as Amami thought he would be.

Even funnier was the fact that every time he thought of that word, his mind would remember the stupid face of a certain cop.

Dumb cop, liar cop (Oumota)Where stories live. Discover now