A little crush is a big deal.

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Zoe walks over to Pepper noticing that she's quite captivated watching Russell organize the day-camp area, as Russell does everyday, but Pepper was in enjoyment while watching Russell. "Oh hello, Pepper!" Zoe greeting Pepper, but Pepper only looked up at Zoe and waved her paw. "Well.......So Pepper, why are you just sitting there? Shouldn't you be working on a comedy act, or something?" Zoe tilts her head in confusion, staring at the skunk. Pepper finally said spoke."Oh I just don't feel like starting my day with a comedy act, I just wanna see what Russell does everyday.......gosh he's cute...." Pepper gazes at Russell cleaning the window. Zoe finally gets the idea, then gasps."Pepper you've got a crush on Russell!!!" She says in excitment. Pepper leaps out of her pet bed."W-What!? N-no I don't!?" Her face now red. Zoe giggles." Yes you do! You called him 'cute', aww look at you!" Zoe giggles even more. Pepper blushes even harder, letting out a very bad smell in the air. All of the other day campers run about trying to get away from the smell, Pepper calms down."Sorry bout' that!" Pepper looks back at zoe." Okay okay, I.....kind of like Russell.....but you gotta keep this OUR secret, got it?" Pepper gives Zoe a serious look, Zoe raise one paw up."I promise as long as I live, your secret is safe with me." Zoe then grins and jumps up and down." Ooh! This is so cute! You like Russell! You like Russell! You li-" Pepper puts her paws on Zoe's muzzle."Keep it down would ya? It's a secret, I don't want anyone else to know about this......" Zoe takes Pepper's paws off of her muzzle."Oh Pepper darling!" Zoe says in a tender and kind voice."You should be proud that you like Russell, he's a nice guy. And I'm sure he might feel the same......maybe...... I'm trying to say something comforting." Pepper giggle a bit."T-thanks Zoe, you a great friend. And that does comfort me a little." Pepper give Zoe a hug.

Pepper's Secret CrushWhere stories live. Discover now