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Libbie woke up to the sound of the alarm beep beep beep......beep beep beep" ok geez il get up" she said to her alarm while snoozing her alarm, she got up and walked into the kitchen" hey mum, hey dad" " hey Libbie" " hey sweetheart " " what's for breakfast dad, mum"? " hmm I don't know eggs maybe, is that all right sweetheart"? Said Danny ( dad) " yeah I guess, but could I have toast with that to please dad" " hmm I'm afraid no we don't have enough bread for that, if you want a sandwich for dinner today" he said while counting the bread." Libbie Libbie LIBBIE" " oh sorry old prune, oh I mean headmistress bloom" " what is up with her today she is usually such a good student, but today she just isn't,hmwmfhh well herself " said headmistress bloom later that night at parents evening " well there's one thing that might just effect her behaviour, well as you know it was her birthday yesterday and one of her presents was a ticket/a backstage pass to see foo fighters live at a local pub just a small gig , but apparently live bands are always better at a small local gig, but anyway that's a possibility, maybe" said Annette ( mum) " yes Annette but this behaviour is unacceptable, she called me an old prune, I don't know what the kids have been saying about me but this behaviour is unacceptable" said headmistress bloom "honestly old prune in my own school" she mumbled " well I'm very sorry Lilly, I don't know were she's got this bad behaviour from, but it's certainly not us, we've brought her up to be a very respectful young lady, she'll be punished, at the worst maybe have those tickets taken away from her " said Danny. " no there's no need to do something like that now Danny she's just a kiddie, but maybe teach her how to respect her elders" " hey look, I don't tell you how to teach you don't tell me how to parent, ok, she's my own bloody child and I'll do what the f**k I like with her, thank you" said Danny " gulp, I will not tolerate that language in my office, mr brown, now out before security gets Hear" " too late I was going anyway, come on Annette" said Danny " coming Danny, oh I'm so sorry Lilly, don't pay"" ANETTEE COME ON I SAID"" oh coming in a sec Danny, don't pay attention to him he's just been so antsy lately I don't know why"" ANETTEE"" oh for fffff, hmm coming for gods sake, bye see you next year " "LIBBIE LIBBIE LIBBIE,  COME HEAR NOW, I MEAN IT LIBBIE, YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE" " yes dad" said Libbie " what the f**k is this I hear about calling the headmistress an old prune"? " ohh yeah, I didn't mean It honestly dad, it's just that some kids were saying that to me at break and it just slipped out, I swear, honestly dad" " hmm well your still getting punished, you will do all the chores for a whole week, ok I mean it" " ohh but please dad I didn't mean to honestly" " I wouldn't, because it could be a whole lot worse, trust me". That night Libbie felt sorry for herself but she was still happy as she was still able to soo foo fighters, but she'd have to be careful.

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