a cody simpson fanfiction

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Aubry pov:

My parents have been fighting daily, to the point that I know that a divorce is around the corner for them. I don't like this reality, because I love them both. I am praying that they can agree to live peacefully with each other so that my life and my 3 younger sisters' wont change. I have had to explain so much the little girls over the weeks, and they are so scared about everything.

"Get out of my house, you know this is under my name, I decide who stays and who goes!" yelled my dad. 

My mom came running up the stairs. My dad barged in and was furious. 

"I said to get out," he said angrily.

"I will not leave my children," my mom said with tears rolling down her face.

"Take them I don't care it's less work for me. Just be out of here within an hour," he said.

My sisters and I looked up at our mom scared. She hugged us and told us to follow her. We each were given a suitcase and a box. I helped all the little girls put their cardboard boxes together and we went into the room the 2 youngest shared. I told them to pull the things they were going to want the most and put them on their beds. They did that and I went and grabbed the clothes. Since they were 3 and 4 their clothes was small and they got a full sized suitcase so I was able to get half the closet and most of their drawers into the suitcase. Then I moved onto shoes which none of us have many of and put those on the outside of each of their suitcases. By then their beds were full of things, so I started to go through it all and organize the boxes so that the most things would fit in them. 

By this point my mom had finished filling her one suitcase and came in to finish them off so I could work on my things as we only had 30 minutes left to be out of the house. I walked into my room that I shared with my 10 year old sister Hannah. She was crying as she took her things out of her closet and filled up her box. 

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"No, I'm scared. Where are we going?" she asked.

"I don't know but mom and I are here for all of you. I promise," I told her with a hug.

"Ok," she said and went back to packing.

I went straight to my dresser and placed my jewelry box at the base of my suitcase, along with my stuffed penguin my boyfriend had gotten for me. I took all the family pictures and pictures with my friends and put them in the suitcase also. I then went to my polaroid wall and took all my strings of pictures down and also put them straight into my suitcase. I then went to my closet and pulled all my dresses out and started to fold them, so they could go into the suitcase. Once they were all in I had a little room left, so I went and got my crop tops to fill in the room. Once the suitcase was full I put the rest in my box, followed by my sweaters, shorts, pants, pajamas, and underwear and socks. I then got my shoes and put my flats into the top of the suitcase and all the rest in the box. I have very little room left, so i grabbed my backpack I had used the last school year and filled it up with mine and my sisters toothbrushes and other toiletries. I then went into the closet and grabbed all 4 of our boxes that our mom had started when we were each born, I brought down the boxes, then my suitcase and backpack, and lastly my box of clothes and placed them by the door. By this point my mom had everything down for my sisters, and we had 10 minutes, so I ran up and took any posters off any walls or anything hanging and rolled them all up and carried them down. 

Upon making it back downstairs, my dad was there saying goodbye and helping get everything out the door. Apparently as we were packing he got a trailer from U-Haul for my mom to hook up to her Traverse, so that we could all fit. I started to help my mom load everything in and get the little girls into their seats and belted in. 

We were off on a new adventure, i just hope this gets better. Being my moms first child and having seen this before, I know it might look good one minute and the next I'm sitting on a corner begging for food. Let's hope maybe this time she sees that can't continue. I don't even know what to tell my boyfriend and friends. I don't even know where we are going. 

I really am just hoping she doesn't go make money the same way again this time. From what I know I was born while she was with her high school boyfriend and she was 16. Then she started to sleep around and eventually got into prostitution for a bit and that is how Hannah came to be. Then she stopped, but had some old clients she was still into, so then Ava was born by one of them and my latest dad was yet another one of those guys that actually took a liking to her, but she cheated and things fell apart. So yeah my life has been pretty hard. I am just worried if she gets back into this that she will try to involve me, because she has made comments I'm the age she was when she had me, so I should get ready for that too. I would go live with my real dad, because he knows whats going on and has tried to bring me to him, but I won't agree because I won't leave my sisters to live this alone. 

"Well girls this worked out, I have a friend that is letting us live in his house, so that we can be comfortable. He will be around a lot to be with me, but just ignore him and stay away if you see him," my mom said. 

Great we are doing this again. I guess I just need to keep an eye on them and we can just go back to how things had been. This won't be easy but we can make it work. I've gotten used to this by now.

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