RPG (Part 1)

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N = Narrator M = Mayu(Ani-Mayu) D = Dawn(Midnight_ofthe_Dawn) P = Pathy(Pathblocket)

This was Pathy's idea, this is based off of DanPlan's video: By the way, Can You Survive an RPG Game (video above)


N: You wake up and your mom's says "Okay go randomly hunt slime for no reason bye." you have two options:
A.) Go punch a baby slime
B.) Go to the NPC village

D: I won't punch the slime that's stupid, I'll go to the village

P: I'm just gonna go to the slime 'cause something interesting has to happen

M: I'm going to the NPC village with Dawn.

N: Dawn and Mayu go to the village.

D: *gets social anxiety.*
*Attempts a conversation*

N: *Rolls dice*
Dawn gets a 3, she gets another try.
*Rolls dice*
Dawn gets a 4, she passes her conversation.

P: *punches baby slime*

N: *Rolls Dice*
Pathy gets a 5, She kills the slime.

M: *Attempts a conversation*

N:*Rolls Dice*
Mayu gets a 1, She fails her conversation.

Pathy Teleports to Mayu and Dawn

P: I use my turn to dump slime on Mayu's head.

N: *Rolls Dice*
Pathy get's a 4, She succeeds.

N: Dawn is a Water/Ice Mage
Pathy is a Dark Mage
Mayu is a healing archer(mainly a cleric but knows how to shoot a bow an arrow)

D: Let's talk to another NPC, maybe we can get information

N: *Rolls Dice*
Dawn get's a 1, she fails her conversation.

M: Let me try talking to an NPC

N:*Rolls Dice*
Mayu get's a 3, roll again.
*Rolls Dice*
Mayu gets a 1, she fails because she has slime on her.

P: My turn.

N: *Rolls Dice*
Pathy get's a 2, she fails.


D: I Never Give Up!

N:*Rolls Dice*
Dawn get's a 5, she succeeds because she made a Naruto reference.

NPC: OkAy, NoW You'RE GoinG To dO a MiSsiON.
You'Re MiSsiON iS To DefEAt ThE MoNSteRs In ThE TowN NorTH oF uS.

N: It's time to see how the players fared in their trip to the Northern Town
*Rolls Dice*
Pathy get's a 3, she is in neutral condition
*Rolls Dice*
Dawn's get's a 2, she's is in critical condition
*Rolls Dice*
Mayu get's a 4, she's in perfect condition.

P: Wow, you know Mayu probably is only in perfect condition 'cause she just sat around while we fought and protected her.

M: Wow, I did not just sit around. Anyways I choose to see if I have a potion for Dawn.

N: *Rolls Dice*
Mayu gets a 5, she has a potion and gives it to Dawn, Dawn is now healed.

M: See I'm a contributive member to the team.

P: Uh huh.

N: The three reach the town and a monster approaches

P: I will use my time to escape.

D: Wow, are you like evil Sasuke?

N: *Rolls Dice*
Pathy gets a 6, she can leave.

P: I'm going to go get some yaki-soba anyone want to come.

D: Wait, let's bribe the monster.

N: *Rolls Dice*
Dawn gets a 1, she is shoved to the ground and is unable to get yaki-soba

M: I'll go with Pathy to get yaki-soba

N: *Rolls Dice*
Mayu get's a 6, she is able to leave and get yaki-soba, she invites the monster cuz she's a decent person.

P: Can my yaki-soba kill the monster.

N:*Rolls Dice*
Pathy get's a 3, roll again.
*Rolls Dice*
Pathy get's a 5, the monster is severely allergic to yaki-soba and dies.

D: And that's the end of the story, moral of the story is to never be allergic to yaki-soba-

M: Yeah, no.

D: Darn it.

N: There are a few more monsters in the village. Would you like to attack?

D: Yeah sure.

N: Dawn Attacks the monster,
*Rolls Dice*
Dawn get's a 5, she damages the monster.

M: I choose to shoot from afar.

N:*Rolls Dice*
Mayu get's a 1, she is a bad archer. She gets rhetorical damage(We had no idea what the word was).

P: I'll help.

N*Rolls Dice*
Pathy get's a 5, she finishes the monster off.

P: I'm going to try to necromance the monster and get it to help us.

N: *Rolls Dice*
Pathy get's a 4, the monster is now on their side.
There is one more monster left.

Dawn: Let's attack the last one with the other monster.

N: *Rolls Dice*
Dawn get's a 5, her plan works and the enemy monster is attacked.

D: Okay, let's try that again.

N: *Rolls Dice*
Dawn get's a 1, the good monster is overpowered by the evil one and it dies.

M: I'm going to attack

N: *Rolls Dice*
Mayu get's a 4, her attack us effective, and the enemy monster gets hit, one more hit and its down.
From this point on a 3 or a 6 means roll again

P: I will give a heartfelt speech about how we shouldn't attack the monster, just because the monster is a monster.

N:*Rolls Dice*
Pathy get's a 4, her speech is successful, the monster is brought to tears.

P: *Whispers* Okay, It's crying let's attack it now.

D: I honestly feel bad. I'll skip my turn.

M: I'll attack.

N:*Rolls Dice*
Mayu get's a 5, her attack is successful and the monster is dead.

N: That's all for now, tune in next time to hear how our "heroes" fare next time.

P: I hate everyone.

M: Glad to know I'm not everyone.

D: Have noodles, noodles are life, you can't live life without having noodles. And eat potato chips as well.

To Be Continued...

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