Black Bed

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Minhyun patted the empty space beside him, signalling Baekho to lay down. The other stood beside the bed awkwardly. He knew he should obey but this was too big of a sudden step. The two had finished dinner and of course, took a shower as well as had a change of clothes to sleepwear.

"Are you sure?" Baekho asked and Minhyun nodded.

"Come on. Don't make me drag you in here," Minhyun huffed a reply and showed an annoyed expression. Baekho took a sit at the edge of the bed, feeling the difference in material and softness from the one he had to sleep in for a week.

"Wow. The bed feels so nice," Baekho said as he laid down. He turned to Minhyun and almost regretted his decision immediately. The bed was huge but Baekho wasn't that small of a man and neither was Minhyun. He turned away and chuckled awkwardly.  "It's really comfortable to sleep in." He rubbed his hands together nervously, glancing at Minhyun who hadn't say another word at all. He started chewing on his lower lip but Minhyun poked his lips to his surprise, making him stop.

"What are you being so nervous for?" Minhyun arched his brow and poked Baekho's cheek. "I already slept on your lap today."

"R-right. You did," Baekho replied, reminding himself that everything was alright and that Minhyun had said he wouldn't do anything to him before... right? The uneasiness still wouldn't settle down so he took a deep breath and decided to ask instead, "Is there something you want me to do for you?"

He looked over as Minhyun's expression changed from blank to confusion and surprise but back to blank in a brief moment. Minhyun moved his hand away from the other's face and laid on his stomach, using his hands to cup his chin as he stared at Baekho. "No, not really. Why do you ask?"

"Cause I can't stop thinking about what the boy with pink hair said... He made it seem like you really had an ulterior motive or something for bringing me back to your kingdom. Why else would you do this? I mean... surely-" Baekho was cut off with Minhyun slipping his finger into Baekho's mouth. He instinctively slapped Minhyun's hand away and was completely baffled by what just happened. Minhyun just laughed it off, not at all surprised at how the other reacted. "What do you think you're doing?" Baekho asked with his hand now covering his mouth to prevent Minhyun from doing it again.

"Me? I'm doing what Ren thinks I'm doing to you," Minhyun replied and sat up, hovering over Baekho. He pulled the male's hand away from his face although there was a bit of resistance.

"But you said you weren't going to do anything to me," Baekho said softly, allowing Minhyun to hold his wrist against the headboard of the bed although it was starting to worry him a little.

"Hmmm.... I did but I never said I wouldn't change my mind. Hey, Baekho, has anyone told you that you get really talkative sometimes?" Minhyun asked with a smirk dancing on his lips. Baekho gulped as he saw the smirk and nodded, wondering if Minhyun got fed up with his constant talking. He was bored though so what could he do except talk.

"And what do you plan on doing with me then?"

"Hmmm... how good are you with sex?" Minhyun asked outright. The other blanked out for a moment before replying with a confused sound. "Sex. Anal sex, to be more precise since we are both guys here."

"Wh- you can't be serious," Baekho replied while attempting to sit up but Minhyun used the chance to grab hold of Baekho's other hand and pushed him back down. He knew if Baekho went full out with his strength, he wouldn't be able to win but he could tell the other didn't quite want to use his full strength. Baekho yelped and showed a scared expression, his body also cringing up slightly as if to block Minhyun from doing anything although it didn't help much. "I... I'm no good with it. Y-you won't have fun w-with me?!"

"Why do you sound so scared? I thought you wanted to know what Ren meant. I thought you wanted to know what exactly you're here for."

"For sex? How can you even have sex with someone you don't like?" Baekho whined, wanting to hide his embarrassment but Minhyun kept his grip on Baekho.

"How? By doing it out of fun and relief. No strings attached. Friends with benefit, some say."

Baekho shook his head. "I don't want to."

"What don't you want to?"

"I don't want to have anal sex with you," he said and Minhyun fought back the urge to give Baekho a slap for saying such a thing. He breathed in sharply.

"Even though you know what would happen if you were to disobey me?" He tried pushing his luck to see how far Baekho would go to protect his kingdom. He felt bad internally. In fact, he felt sick. To use such a power against someone who looked stronger than him but was just a complete mess right now. Baekho seemed to have a begging look in his eyes for Minhyun to stop but he started to relax his body.

"If... if I let you.... you really won't..." Baekho bit his lower lip, unable to finish his sentence. This was too much for him to handle. As much of a male pride he had, something like having sex with someone he didn't love just made him feel all twisted inside. It made him feel dirty.

"You're really willing to do anything for your kingdom?" Minhyun asked with a softer tone. Baekho nodded. "Why? It's been more than a week. Nobody has tried to get you back and you still.... still are willing to die for your own kingdom?"

"Yes. I was born there. I grew up there. Why wouldn't I? Wouldn't you do anything for your country? Your kingdom?" Baekho fought back, holding back the stinging feel in his eyes. He knew he must have looked like a total wuss now but things just took a turn that he really didn't know how to feel now.

Minhyun let go of Baekho's wrists and laid down, facing away from him. Baekho gasped and breathed in quickly to replenish his oxygen. He found himself hugging his own crazily beating chest. He laid still for awhile before glancing at Minhyun who had went quiet and still as well. He wanted to say more but decided against it.

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