tiger delinquent

85 0 43

Name: Alexandra Lawrence
Age: depends
Gender: female
Appearance:   |

Personality: name of the chapter says it all shes a young delinquent hard on the outside yet fluffy and warm on the inside

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Personality: name of the chapter says it all shes a young delinquent hard on the outside yet fluffy and warm on the inside

Likes: napping, meat, knives, drinking, sitting about,
Dislikes: snobs, anyone that brings up her tiger stuff,

Background: dad got frisky with the animals at the zoo and she was what came out, father couldn't be trusted so she was tossed into different foster homes till she left at 18 hanging out with the school @Ssholes

Scenario: so there you was outside with your friends having a grand ol time getting into trouble like stealing mustard packs from subway or going into goodwill calling it bad will until you heard an angry shout. You look over to see the tiger girl pointing over to you. You look to your friends but they dashed faster than a rabbit on cocaine.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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