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(If anyone saw my old account and read my friends the avengers they would know)

In dreambubbles

Me: is floating around)

Sally: mommy

Me: gasp and is about to cry) yes sweetie

Sally: I got a paper cut

Me: °_°


Sally: thanks mommy

Me: your welcome

Wakes up....

Me: wakes up regaining her breath and whimpers)

Sherlock: you ok

Me: I need to show you something


Sherlock: she died

Me: yea

They kneeled besides a graveyard

Me: only a baby

Sherlock: Daniele I-

Me: it's fine I killed Jamie for a reason and this is why

Sherlock: let's go I-

Me: I know you don't do cemmemtarys

Sherlock: Daniele I have to ask you a question

Me: eye's widen )what question

Sherlock: when are we going to die

Me: I have no idea until we can't come back to life anymore

(Yep my old books were kinda depressing but It was my first novel ever to be accomplished that's what I wanted day 1 and I got my wish I'm so glad I discovered wattpad and bye )

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