Chapter 4: Watery Reunion

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Papyrus and yourself had finished a large batch of spaghetti an hour or so after Sans had left. After repeatedly hiding the glitter from Papyrus (and him insisting that the glitter was a good idea every time he found it) you had just thrown the glitter out the window when he wasn't looking.

Papyrus was a joy to be around, making you smile or laugh slightly at his childish wonder when you showed him how to properly cook. Now, you weren't the best and you knew that well. That's why Frisk was so acquainted with the bartenders, you supposed. But by your standards, the spaghetti was good. Or at least it was edible.

Leaving the stove on a low heat to keep the spaghetti warm, you and Papyrus made some small talk about random things, often gaining a groan of annoyance from Papyrus when you made a pun. "YOU ARE JUST AS BAD AS MY BROTHER!" He screeched at one point which made you laugh hysterically. The puns weren't good, sure, but his reaction made them even more funny in your eyes.

"Sorry Paps, guess I'm not as humerus as I think." This caused another screech of disapproval before the front door opened. Your head snapped up to see Sans standing alone at the doorframe with a look you couldn't decipher.

A small ball of anxiety started to curl in your stomach as you walked over to him slowly. "Where is Frisk?" You asked while your hands shook slightly at your side.
"they're still in waterfall. but they refused to come back. maybe you could talk some sense into them." He offered with a nervous grin. You bit the inner part of your cheek and sighed before moving past him and out into the town.

"Come on then, they won't stay still for long." You said, your voice blunt and demanding. Sans followed quickly and held out his hand for a shortcut. You looked to him and took it, feeling the world fall and reappear again, though this time you managed to stay upright upon landing on the ground again. You looked around the blue room dotted with glowing blue flowers and coral, but you weren't interested in that right now. Not when Frisk was so close.

You shook your head and started sprinting along a path while hollering Frisk's name. Your voice echoed back to you, but so far there was no Frisk. You skidded to a stop at the edge of a dimly lit room with a lantern dangling from a post that was dug into the ground. You yelled once more for Frisk to instead hear a scream from the other side of the room.

Sans had only caught up to you at this point as you again dashed off to reach where you had heard the scream. The room lit up from time to time as you brushed past each lantern until you seen the back of Frisk's plain white dress that was slightly ripped and fraying at the edges. You readied yourself to tackle them in a hug when you had noticed a separate figure in front of them. It seemed like a half-horse half-fish combo that enjoyed showing off its muscles. The creature lashed out at Frisk and managed to land a hit to their left side, making them cry out in pain.

You growled angrily and flexed your fingers that were once in a fist to retract sharp talons. Your eyes dilated as your pupils turned to mere slits against your [E/C] irises. A tail formed and flicked behind you while your bones clacked and shifted into your leviathan form. Your [F/C] scales glowed dimly as you let out a low growl.

Neither of the two seemed to notice your presence yet for some unknown reason. Maybe it was the fight that stopped them from noticing anything else around them. You used your front legs to drag you forward so you were right behind Frisk, then raised yourself so you were towering over them. Looking down at the creature, your eyes glowed menacingly as you seen a small text box appear.

*[Y/N] has entered the fight!

Was that supposed to happen? You looked to the creature as he slowly looked up at you. You watched in amusement as his eyes widened in fear before looking to Frisk who was just confused.

You leaned down slightly and moved your front legs so that they were either side of Frisk. You snarled to showcase your sharp fangs which caused the creature to flinch and back off.

*Aaron is sparing Frisk!
*You earned 0 exp and 23 G!

Aaron fled quickly after the battle ended which made you make a small noise in victory. You looked down to see a displeased Frisk with their arms crossed and tapping their right foot on the ground expectantly. Sans was standing a bit away from the two of you in utter disbelief and slight fear.

What are you?

You quickly shifted back, a nervous smile on your face as you rocked backwards on the balls of your feet.
"Why did you do that?" Frisk asked in a disappointed tone. You looked to them and then to the ground before realising that you should be the annoyed one, not Frisk!
"I should be asking you the questions!" You shot back as you crossed your arms and huffed.

"You expect me not to come racing after you when you were dragged from that beach into the depths?!" You said while Frisk remained where they were with their arms crossed.
"I was doing fine! Look! Not a single scratch!" They pointed to themselves only to wince when they stretched out their side too much where Aaron had hit them.

You narrowed your eyes and quickly kneeled in front of them to gently apply pressure to their left side. They hissed through gritted teeth as they swatted your hands away. "Okay, maybe I did get a little hurt. But I'll be okay!" They whined as you shook your head and pulled them into a hug which caught them by surprise.

"I missed you so much." You whispered into their hair as you held back a few tears. Frisk hugged back quickly and rested their head in the crook of your neck. How you two went from fighting to hugging on the verge of tears, no one will truly know. Sibling stuff.

"I missed you too [Y/N]." They sniffed and you pulled away to see a few stray tears fall from their puffy eyes. You quickly wiped them away and kissed Frisk's cheek in a loving manner before standing up slowly and wiping away your own tears.
"Come on, Paps and I made some spaghetti back at his place." You offered with a small smile which earned a nod from Frisk.

You took Frisk's hand in your own and turned round to see a confused Sans. "What are you?" He asked with his eye sockets devoid of all light.

From the depths oceantale!sans x Leviathan!shifter!readerWhere stories live. Discover now