[[02]] Music In My Ears, Voices In My Head

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                     [[ 02: Music In My Ears, Voices In My Head  ]]

I didn't want to believe what Kise-kun said was true, but now here we are in Seirin's gym and Coach was telling us about the trip.

I was pleased that no one ever really noticed me, because I was still straining a bit, even with the mask on.

"For the next five weeks, we will all be attending an intensive training basketball camp. We leave by Friday, so please have your parents or guardians know and sign the written form Koganei-kun is passing out to you all." Riko-san explained. It was just before practice when she gathered us, and I remembered sharing a knowing look with Kagami-kun when it was called. I really wanted to believe that Kise-kun was just fooling us.

"Training camp? For that long?" Furihata-kun questioned as we all looked over our forms.

Riko-san was all smiles when she nodded. "Yes! It's an amazing opportunity provided by some of the high-ups that were over the Winter Cup. Apparently, they were highly pleased with the matches and want to invite all of the top teams — well, all of the ones with a member from the Generation of Miracles — to attend and be trained by some older and pro basketball players and coaches." Everyone could make out the sparkles around Riko-san as she beamed in delight. This would be very good for the team, but... It's them. They'll all be there.

"Aw man, now I'm kinda scared..." Koganei-senpai spoke, just thinking about my ex-teammates had him and a few others shivering in fright. Even though we had beaten them all, they all really did have a powerful aura about them. I should know, I played with them for years. I grasped the paper form in my hands tighter. I really needed to stop thinking so deeply on this.

"That means we'll all get a lot stronger from this," Izuki-senpai spoke up in thought.

"But that also means we'll have to face them all again..." Furihata-kun was beside him, shivering a little at just thinking about them.

I saw Kagami-kun's grin before he talked loudly, "Heh, this is too great. To think we'll get to beat them some more—it really has me all excited now!" In fact, Kagami-kun did look to be beside himself in joy and excitement.

"Bakagami!" And suddenly the back of his head was pelted with Coach's paper fan. "You won't be constantly challenging them, you hear?! This is a special exercise organized by some of the country's top players, designed specifically for each team to train under a master, got it?"

Some members chuckled at the scene, and normally I would find it highly amusing, too. It's just the nerves of said event had me locked under its choking grasp. My throat felt tight and every breath was constricting.

"Hm? Riko, why did you give me a form? I can't play that much because of rehabilitation." Kiyoshi-senpai spoke up suddenly, and all eyes turned to our center. He looked dumbfounded as he stared at the form, and then back at the rest of us.

Hyuuga-senpai's temper seemed to rise at this, "Idiot! You're still apart of this team, aren't you?! You're coming whether you want to or not." And then Hyuuga-senpai did a very Midorima-kun-like thing, he tapped his glasses back up his nose.

Kiyoshi-senpai could only blink at the temperamental captain, and then Riko-san was smiling all worries away. "Hyuuga-kun's right. You're coming with us, and plus, there's special programs for your knee rehabilitation there at the camp. They'll have specials there to ensure all players stay in top form."

It took a moment, and with a nod to our "big brother," he broke out into a grin. It was happy, we were happy, and all should be well...

Yet, why couldn't I shake off the terrible feeling I had?

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