Autumn Fun-Part 3

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Samantha ran all the way from her house to the mansion.
"What could possibly going on? Katie was only there to scope out the place for a party later in the week. And no one lives in there so..." Samatha talked to herself along the way. She reached the door after finishing that thought and barged in. The doors then slammed behind her as soon as went through. She paid no attention to that though, and paced her way throughout the mansion, her short, brown and curly hair bobbing with her walk.
"Katie! Where are you?" Samantha called.
Samantha heard the groan from a little further down the hall. She slowed herself and took small steps into the next room. Then, shock.
"KATIE?!?!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Katie was no longer, well... Katie. She was massive, at least 400 pounds. And she was there, on her back moaning and groaning to herself. Samantha was in complete disbelief. She went closer in, trying to confirm is this was actually Katie. However, this is just what the ghost wanted. The spirit exploded out from a nearby closet. Samantha was caught by surprised and couldn't react fast enough.

Her body thinned out, forming a long coil and wrapping around Samantha like a python. Everything from her shoulders down was being constrained. Samantha tried struggling, but to no avail. The Ghost giggled once more to herself and headed for Samantha's mouth. Samantha looked up, only to be met with a deep kiss on the lips.
At first she was confused, then her confusion turned into panic. The Ghost was pumping a sweet and thick fluid down her throat, almost like icing. She tried ripping her head away but the Ghost's arms wrapped around her head and formed a barrier.

The sweet fluid forced itself down Samantha's throat and into her stomach. It was growing terribly fast with it. The odd part about it, Samantha didn't even feel full, only the pressure of all the fluid inside her belly. Even though it didn't hurt, she wanted it to stop, but all of her attempts were futile. The Ghost just pumped more and more into her straining belly, filling up more and more. Samantha was not sure if she could take anymore. While her belly was not hurting, there was definitely more than 35 pounds of the fluid in her. If it would have not been for the ghost keeping her wrapped up, she would have fallen over by now.

Just when she thought she would burst, the Ghost slowly pulled away and unwrapped her coils. Like a rock, Samantha fell, right on to her side. She was huffing hard, trying to breathe. Now, her belly began aching.
"*Huff* Oh God... ughhh.. my belly...O-oh my God"

Samantha reached her hand out to try to rub away the pain. She placed her hand on her stomach and began to rub. But this feeling she got from it...
She began to rub her belly faster and more aggressively with both hands. Her pained grunts became moans of pleasure. Her curly brown hair was  bouncing up and down from how fast she was going. While she was rubbing her belly, she did not notice what was going on all around her body. Her belly was shrinking,but she was also expanding at other places. Most of it went into her legs and thighs. The seams on her miniskirt stood no chance, ripping immediately as her thighs got meatier. Her hips blew up too, causing her striped shirt to stretch too. While every other area widened and grew, her brests only grew a small bit. After a minute, the process was done.

Samantha's face was as red as a tomato, still making huffs and moans, sweat dripping off of her face. It was like no other experience she felt before. As it turns out though, it wasn't over yet. Samantha now had her fixation turned on her fat. She played with her huge thighs, cupped her breast and squished and bounced her belly. After this entire event though, she became tired, exhausted even. Her original idea to help Katie slipped her mind completely even though she was in the same room. Her eyes became heavy and she soon fell asleep.

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