A tease for a new chapter

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I woke up too the sun shining brightly through the window onto my face and a heavy weight in my chest. I yawned and stretched all my tired muscles opening my eyes to realise that this weight isn't only inside my chest but also on my chest. Jake slept so silently with only a few twitches here and there. He was cuddled so tightly in the duvet on top of me, almost as if he'd never had the luxury of a nice warm bed and was holding onto it for dear life. This weight inside my chest though, it was deep, deeper than any emotion I've ever encountered before. These emotions were raw. I felt so much guilt for what I'd put this poor boy through, for not thinking there's a reason for his silence, for not understanding he has a life away from me and the guys. There was also pride, I felt so much pride because of how far he has come on his own, he may not be able to talk but he's at school, learning in his own way, he gets past all the pain he goes through and carries on learning. He hasn't been knocked down and then up, he just gets straight back up and tries to continue with his life. I realise now that this all needs to end. People's pains nd suffering they endure at school should come to a stop, it should be a safe haven for them away from their homes. Nowhere seemed to he Jake's safe haven, but I'm going to make it here, he can live here with me, have all the warmth and comfort he needs, but first he needs breakfast.

I get up and and throw on a hoodie to go along with my joggers and T-shirt I'm already wearing and head downstairs to make up a tray of food. Bacon, eggs, tomatoes, sweet waffles and ice cream, and pancakes, along with a glass of water and orange juice, just so he has options. I quickly ate my food before rushing up to Jake to give him his food, I don't usually eat in my bed to avoid crumbs but this once I'll allow it.

I slowly walked into my room to see that Jake is still asleep and so I put the tray of food onto the bed side table and then go over to Jake and gently shake him to try to get him to wake up. As he stirs awake I slowly rub his back to keep him calm and soothed and see he looks around confused until his eyes land on my and they go so wide and fearful that it really tugs in my chest. He stiffens up and tries to keep as still as he can, almost like a deer seeing it's predator, so I softly talk to him, to coax him into sitting up and eating. 'Here Jake, it's okay, I found you huddled in the park freezing last night so I brought you here where it's safe. I'm not going to hurt you. Do you remember last night?'
Jake thinks for a minute with his eyes still wide before he slowly nods his head, at least he can communicate a little. 'Well Jake, the guys have called the school and told them you were too ill so they will collect your work for you and bring it round later. For now though, you need to eat some food, you're awfully thin and you can't do anything without eating first'

I lean over to grab the tray and put it into his lap so he can eat, but he just watches it, not moving, so I grab his fork and take the liberty of feeding him slowly as I whisper to him "it's alright Jake, open wide and let's get you all fed and then we can get you washed and into some clean clothes and talk." This got him to slowly open his mouth and take his first bite. I fed him a little bit of everything and let him drink his orange juice that he chose and then put the tray to one side when he indicated he was full.

I grab a few clean clothes for him and then slowly walk over to him and gently pick him up and carry him to my bathroom where I start running a bath for him and give him a new toothbrush so that he can clean his teeth whilst waiting. Once the bath is filled and has bubbles I start talking once again, softly as if talking to a frightened kitten. "Do you want me to help you undress and bathe or do you want you to do it on your own?" he slowly points to himself, so I make sure all the sharp objects are hidden and then tell him I'll bed waiting in the bedroom, leave his clean clothes on the side and walk out and then take the tray downstairs, wash it up and head back up to wait for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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