Divorce or No

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"JIN!" You ran after him. But he was already in his car leaving the drive way. You went back inside when the pain hit you again. "AHH!" you cried. Then the pain stopped. "What the hell is going on" You wiped your watery eyes. You got in your car and drove to the hospital. When you got there you asked the doctor what was wrong. 

"Okay" the doctor on his computer. "So the baby is fine and it looks like you will be having a girl" The doctor smiled. "OH THANK! I was afraid I did something bad to the baby" You sighed. "Nope everything looks good" The doctor smiled at you as you were leaving.

Meanwhile. "Someone looks pissed" Emily in Jin's office with her leg up on the desk. "Get out" Jin said. "You know me and you belong for each other" Emily wrapped her arms around Jin's neck. "Where is your ring" Emily smirked. "At home" Jin looked away from her. "Come on Jin she doesn't have to know" Emily kissed Jin's lips. 

"I wont cheat on Lucy" Jin pushed Emily out of his office. Meanwhile you went back home. 2 hours later Jin walked threw the door. "Jin your home" You looked at him. "Hey" He got dressed in his pj's. He sat on the bed when he was done. "Do you want the divorce" You looked at him with tears in your eyes. 

"No I want to spend my life with you" He kissed your lips. "You do" You do your voice low. "Yes I was a jerk today I'm so sorry" He hugged you. "Well if it makes you feel better I  have news for you" You sat in Jin's lap. "What is the news" He smiled.

"We are having a girl" You giggled. Jin's eyes widened. "REALLY!" He hugged you. "Yep and all the stomach pain I was getting is normal" You narrowed your eyes. "Oh baby! I'm so happy for you" He kissed your lips. "Jin" You giggled as he kissed your neck. "Your crazy Jin" You giggled as he laided you down and got ontop of you. "Maybe just a little" He kissed your lips.

"We shouldn't" You smiled. "Why baby what's stopping us" Jin smirked. "The baby that's whats stopping us" You chuckled. "You have point" He got off you. "I love you so much" he gave you the cutest smile. "I love you too" You kissed his cheek.

The next day Jin skipped work because he wanted to hang out with you. So you wore this 

 So you wore this 

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Jin wore.

"Jin I have a nickname for you" You giggled

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"Jin I have a nickname for you" You giggled. "Okay what is it" He touched your waist. "Jinnie" You smiled. "Oh my god your so cute" he hugged you. "You in pink looks so good" You looked at his shirt. "I look good in anything" he winked at you.  

"Oh Jin you should talk with my dad hes not happy with you" You tilted your head. "Oh no pray for me" He got in his car. When we got to your parents house your dad saw us and he stormed out of the house. "JIN!" Your dad yelled.

What will happen to Jin! 😊💕            

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