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Mya's POV

I woke up to my alarm ringing.

6:00am what is there to do nobody knows I'm here besides Kylie and Travis.


I should probably go back to writing since I have nothing better to do.

You keep me in your orbit
Well, I know I'm a hard one to please
Give it too much importance
My love'll have you fall to your knees
I tell 'em this too often
Know better than to bark up my tree
Just for me to fall and leave
Nah, I'd rather just watch you smoke and drink, yeah

I don't know where I'm going with, with this song but I just felt inspired. Honestly whenever I finish this song I'm probably gonna stash it and never record or put out just like the rest of these songs that are written in this book.

I jump up scared when my phone rang.


"Heyyyyy baby how are you"

"Hey Kylie what's up"

"Have you talked to Ariana"


"She hasn't talked to me"

"Umm well that makes two of us"

"I'm getting bored you know you should come back when are you coming back anyways"

"Ummmmm about that I was gonna go back in two days but I cancelled my flight I decided to stay here to write some songs"

"Ohhhh well I'll leave you to it"

~In the background~

"Travis is with Ariana and Mac today so he canceled on our hangout" Drake said.

"Travis is still hanging out with them but can't return my call that's nice" I say and hung up the phone.

I decided to call Travis. But the call goes straight to voicemail.

Again and again and again and again and again.

I decide to call Ariana.


I called Mac.

"Hey it's Malcolm sorry I couldn't come to the phone right now I answer whenever I get the chance".

So that's it?

That's how it's going to end?

So what.... is Kylie gonna ignore me now?

Is that what's gonna happen?

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