Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

That night, we are lying in bed, watching a movie and I am thinking about something that Mr Pope said. I look up at Riz and he asks "What is it amor?" I sit up a little and he sits up with me. "I was thinking about something Mr Pope said." I tell him. "Kids?" he asks and I nod. "Do you want kids?" he asks. "I do. I've always wanted to be a mother." I tell him. "Do you want to start trying?" he asks. I start laughing and say "Riz, we've not exactly been preventing it." He kisses me softly and says "How about we don't stress about it and let it happen when it happens?" he asks. "Yeah. We could do that." I say. He turns us over and hovers over me. Kissing me softly he asks "Want to start now?" I nod slightly as we start shedding clothes and he enters me slowly. Riz spends the rest of the night making love to me nice and slow. There's so much love and passion in his kiss, his touch, the way he makes love to me. When we both find our release, I kiss him softly and neither of us say anything. We just caress each other and nuzzle close to each other.

Waking up the next morning, I am in bed alone. I get up and dressed and head out to the main room and see Riz sitting at the bar, drinking coffee. "Morning baby." he says. "Morning." I say before kissing him softly. I go to sit next to him and he pulls me between his legs and wraps his arms around me. I feel him nuzzle his nose against my neck and all I can do is sigh. I'm so content and happy and nothing could bust this bubble. Or so I thought. "Bishop walks over and says "There's a woman here says she's your Aunt." Riz and I walk outside and see my Aunt Dreva there. "Dreva? What are you doing here?" I ask. "We need to talk." she tells me. "Whatever you need to say you can say in front of my family." I tell her. "We really should speak in private." she tells me. "Just say what you need to say." I tell her. "Fine. I'm not really your Aunt." she tells me and I look at her confused. "You're mom adopted you when her and your dad got together. I'm your mother." she tells me and I look at her confused. "But you and Russ..." I start. "Not brother and sister." she tells me. I feel Riz put his arm around me and he asks "Why are you telling her this now? You after the money too?" She shakes her head and says "No. Just wanted you to know the truth. I know your mom died a few years ago." she tells me. "What about my brother?" I ask. "She was his mother." she tells me and I nod. "Again, why are you telling me this now? Why didn't you ever come around and try to know me before?" I ask. "Your mom wouldn't let me." she tells me. "She's been gone for five years. You could have found me. You guys found my brother to tell him about Maggie. You couldn't have found me?" I ask. "I didn't know if you would want anything to do with me." she says. I look at her and don't know if I can trust any of them right now so I say "I don't. Please leave." I say and I head towards the clubhouse with Riz right behind me.

Walking into the clubhouse, tears rolling down my face, Riz grabs my arms and turns me to face him. As soon as I turn, he pulls me into his chest and lets me sob. He just holds me. "I got you mi amor. I got you baby." he says and I wrap my arms around him. I hear Bishop say "She's gone. We told her not to come back that if Sami changed her mind, she would find her." I look up at Bishop and say "Thank you Bish." He touches my shoulder and says "We got you." before leaving me alone with Riz. I pull away from Riz and go to head to the bar for a bottle and Riz stops me. "You don't need that." he says. I look at him and he says "Let's go lay down." I nod and we head to the dorm. Laying down on the bed, he holds me and after a while I say "I don't want anything to do with any of them." I tell him. "We'll make sure of it baby." I look up at him and say "I love you Michael." Kissing me softly he says "I love you more." 

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