Chapter 2

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Carl POV

After with that little incident on the train, me and Lightning decided to move and head forward. I promised to her that I will help her to save Serah. I also know that my little brother James is in love with Serah. I swore to myself that I will help both Lightning and my brother James, no matter what.

I also know how Lightning meant to Serah. She's the only family that Lightning had. I felt bad when I learned that from the first time, orphan at young age. I also know why Lightning entered her military career, to protect Serah. I can see why though.

Also, the reason why I also help her because I love her too. She loves me back, and I love her back. She helped me when I need assistance and I also help her when she needs it as well.

Right now, me, Lightning, my brother James, my sister Lena and Sazh are walking on the hanging edge. According to my research, this place is a restricted zone. We ignored it so that we can move forward on our journey.

Sazh: You sure we can get through here?

I look to him and he looks to my eyes. My eyes is telling me that trust us, we know how to get through. Me, Lightning, James, Lena and Sazh run together as a aircraft crashes down near us, luckily, it didn't hit us.

James: Heh, looks like they shut they down? Heh?

Me, and Lena groans while Lightning sighs.

Carl: Will you stop making crappy puns for a minute? You sounded like a blonde bimbo I watched in a series.

James: *groans* Fine.

I went to the retail network as I purchase 5 potions for 250 gils. I grabbed the potions and gave it to every one.

Carl: Save it for our long journey.

Everyone nodded as me and Lightning lead the way and run to the destroyed paths.

Sazh: This is a mess is what this is.

Lena: Well contacting with enemies and saw us will start a battle.

James: Then we must stay low and be on guard.

Then I signaled them to stop walking as I saw 2 guards securing the perimeter.

Then I signaled them to stop walking as I saw 2 guards securing the perimeter

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Carl: Stay here, me and Lightning got this.

No one POV

Lightning nodded as she readies her blazefire saber and Carl unsheathed his jury gunblade and went to the guards securing the perimeter.

Carl went to the first guard as the guard fires the rifle to Carl. But with Carl's enhanced senses and reflexes, Carl dodged it as he attacks the guard down.

Lightning fires her blazefire saber to the soldier as the soldier got hit and kneels down. Lightning follows it with a kick in the head.

Carl slices down the rifle as he kicks the soldier in the gut and sliced down the soldier's head as the body drops to the floor.

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