Chapter 2: Todoroki's disappear

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Days were passed and Midoriya was confused about Shouto, he was missing for a long while, no one knew where Shoutu was.

The teachers asked Deku where he was but Deku had no clue where he was.


It was a very sunny day outside but I didn't finish my homeworks, although some of them weren't easy so I started searching my notebook in my bag. I tend to takes a lot of notes in case I need them for future references and sometimes I got lost in my own thoughts my friends sometimes are worried about me as soon I got deep into my thoughts, anyway i was still worried about Todoroki, he start to be distant with me whenever I tried to talk of him and to be honest that wasn't of him. A few hours passed and I finished my homeworks so I decided to call him to see if anything was fine.
Nothing, he didn't answered my phone call, I tried again but nothing.
After a few calls I decided to go check in person if he was ok.

I started walking towards his house meanwhile looking around, my stomach starts to grump so I decided to go eat an ice cream to the next ice cream shop to fresh my stomach.
I'm the street there was a lot of people talking, laughing and having fun and there was me, I don't mind being alone but I missed Todoroki yet I didn't know where he was.
I reminded my parents that I should go check Todoroki.
I started to walk towards his home again, where he was I asked myself, everyone is worried about him.. Maybe he is getting involved with the league of villains.

Finally arrived to his house I decided to ring the bell.
A softly yet adult voice asked me who I was, I assumed that was his mother so I answered that it was me Deku.
The woman opened the door and let me in.
I asked her where Todoroki was but she didn't know where he was.
She just mentioned about their relationship before but leaving me with so many questions.
I thanked Miss Todoroki and walked outside meanwhile closing the door.
I tried to
I did know a few things about his relationship with his father since he is quiet and a reserved guy, I asked myself if it was about his father or did I ever upset him? Sure he is my best friend but he never told me about his personal stuff unless he wanted to.
I tried to call all my class mates about it but no one could help me so we thought to investigate about it.

I headed to Iida's house to come up with something.
I was think how it could possibly happen with Todoroki and I got a little carried away with thoughts when suddenly my phone ringed it was Kirishima saying that he had found some details about Todoroki's disappeard. His voice could tell he was in rush probably because of Kacchan and I was right but he hang out the call and I couldn't ask him more stuff so I sighed hoping to try to come up with something.

Iida was right it could be he was planning on something but also get involved with the villains.


Midoriya asked me if I could help him finding out where Shouto was, we all noticed he was missing for days, I wanted to help him.
I saw something was wrong with Shouto, he was more cold than the usual and more you looked at him he acted creepy about it, Midoriya asked me if it could be villains fault and started over analyzing stuff. I tried to calm him down saying that we weren't sure.
Midoriya's phone ringed so I handle it to him meanwhile he was taking notes about something I tried to think if those source could be useful in the meanwhile.
I asked him if he had an idea of what was happening but he was again overanalazying.
Thinking of something I tried to connect all the information we could have and I came out with an idea I explained that it could be both faults of him and the villains, Todoroki is usually cold but never too creepy, he acts more cold with his father especially in the battle arc with Midoriya but he could have searched something to betray his father yet getting caught by the villains, I wasn't sure if Dabi Shouto was his brother but it was noticible that they act the same way towards Endeavor so it could be e great source i said happily to him.


I wanted to help my friend Deku with finding Todoroki, he was very worried and I was upset that I couldn't help him so I thought to try help him investigate about Todoroki's dissappear. Deku told me he was with Iida so I walked to his house.
Time passed and we were at Tenya's home searching for some information when suddenly Deku's phone ringed.
I watched Deku taking notes of something on his note book and then turning off the phone.
A very few information were written on so I thought they were of help but not knowing who it was I tried to be doubtful about it. I was thinking how and what was the consequences of his changing behaving, I didn't hang out with Todoroki that much but I knew he acted differently around Deku.
I looked at Iida and hearing his points of view.. I agreed with him, it was believable.

Writer note:Hello I'm back again after a long while I decided to finish this draft and publish it bc I was dying to write another chapter. I tried to write more stuff than the first one since I got some and ideas to make it possible yet ik it can be too ooc and I'm sorry this is my first time writing a fanfic.
I added a few more characters that weren't planned to be there, hope you enjoy it (this chapter)
Thanks for reading it 💞

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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||Broken Soul ||Shouto Todoroki Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ