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disclaimer: this is fanfiction for the lovely Shanice Felix, @FallingIn, whose 'Three Alphas, Three Mates,' was one of my favourite werewolf fics on Wattpad. Unfortunately, her fic hasn't been updated in a while, so I thought I'd try my hand at continuing the fic a lil. Definitely go check her fic out though! 

A/N: I imagine Feri to look like Shanina Shaik (featured in the picture above).


I hated moving with a passion. It probably didn't help I'd just started getting comfortable back home.

New places were hard and settling in was even harder. Soon, I knew I'd have to venture out and get to know my neighbours – but for now, I was more than happy to barricade myself in my room.

I wasn't a super shy person but in small towns like this where nothing happened, my family and I would be the talk of the town. And at school – my brother, sister and I would be the new kids.

But whatever. I was only here for my last two years of school – after that college and big-city life awaited.

My musing was interrupted by the sound of my mother calling out to me. I paused my suitably-depressed music to yell back. "Yes?"

"I need you to go to the store."

I contemplated ignoring her.

"We're out of black olives – "

"Relevance?" I called back.

A pause. And then, in a deceptively calm voice, she continued, "And yogurt."

I struggled with myself for a moment. I could always go in the morning –

"I was planning on making manti but since I guess we can have it without yogurt...."

Damn it. Quick as, I shot up. "I'll be just a moment!" The Devil had spoken.

"Perfect." I could just hear the little, evil smile on her face. She knew just how to tempt me – I loved manti with a passion and it needed yogurt, dammit. Smart woman.

"Take your siblings with you!" I groaned. Was manti worth that spectacle? I shook my head – that wasn't even a question. 


It wasn't the worst thing. Sami - my little brother - was bouncing in the booster seat - but that was more adorable than anything, Malia - my little sister - wasn't any worse than usual and Ezra - my older brother, was the unlucky driver. I was a lazy bastard and still stuck on my learners permit - so he was stuck with us, unfortunately. 

Sami looked up, smiling disarmingly. "Can we pwease get chocolate, too?" The little charmer flashed a toothy smile, wielding his cuteness like a weapon.

"Chocolate's bad for us, Sami," I warned patiently.

"How come you eat it then?" Smiling innocently, as if he wasn't a tiny devil. 

I turned to Ezra in sudden horror. "Did Sami just sass me? Where'd he get that from?"

"Have you seen our mother?" Ezra asked dryly. He had a point. That woman was a master manipulator. It only made sense she passed the gift on to Sami.

I sighed, resting back in my seat and ignoring the demon in the back seat. Ezra whipped along the quiet suburban streets, nearly taking out pedestrians and other cars alike. I ignored the beeps and honks that followed with a practiced ease; dreaming of the day I got my license... 

I didn't get to finish that thought. Malia tugged on my arm. "Feri?"

I hummed my assent, looking back at her. She pointed at Ezra, "We're going to die."

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