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Winston's body was held down at every essential point. O'Brien looked down at him with pity and when he looked in his eyes Winston believed he could detect a hint of sadness.

"I told you," O'Brien whispered, "that if we met again it would be here."

"Yes," said Winston, looking away and biting his lip lightly.

Without any warning whatsoever, O'Brien yanked Winston's hair back, forcing Winston to look up at him.

"Don't you dare look away from me." O'Brien snapped. "You are afraid that in another moment something is going to break, and that something will be your backbone."

Winston gasped at his roughness, a side of O'Brien he hadn't seen till this moment. He mentally noted that something in his eyes seemed different. Despite his poise and flare, it was clear that O'Brien was not the same man that Winston once knew.

O'Brien spoke again, "I am going to break you Winston Smith. You will die here, but first I must teach you to love Big Brother. I need you to love Big Brother. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Winston would have nodded his head eagerly if O'Brien hadn't been holding his hair. "I understand truly and completely. I do purely live Big Brother!"

O'Brien leaned in closer and searched for a lie on his face, and he realized that Winston was telling the truth.

"You love Big Brother?"

"Yes, I do!" Winston exclaimed. "I love Big Brother with everything in my being! This love is full and bulging in every direction, please O'Brien believe me that I love Big Brother... I will do anything you ask of me."

O'Brien furrowed his brow in confusion. "This... this cant be! It seems as though you aren't lying to me but that can't be true. I must be failing at my job in some way shape or form!"

"No you're not!" Winston yelped.

"I must be! I have to be! I- I can't be around you anymore, Smith. You- you make me feel a certain way I've never felt before... I have to go!"

"Noooooo!!! Come back!!!" Winston screamed with tears streaming down his face.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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