♡when you're sad♡

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♠would laugh at you
♣secretly cares
♥buys you food so you stop crying.

♠hugs you
♣forehead kisses
♥him whispering cute shit to you

♠immediately introduces you to Emos ♣he gives you eyeliner
♥gives a hug

♠Immediately kisses you and wipes all your tears away
♣Finds out who did this to beat the shit out of them.
♥let's you wear his orange Parker

♠Offers to watch a movie♠
♣Food is provided♣
♥falls asleep with you❤

♠holds you while playing with your hair♠
♣buys you things♣
♥watching romance movies together❤

♠groan because he wanted to sleep♠
♣eventually holds you bc he's secretly a big softie for you♣
❤falls with him in your arms❤

♠immediately panics♠
♣makes you coffee♣
❤hugs that last a while❤

♠becomes sad too♠
♣offers cuddles♣
❤soft mumbles to each other saying i love you and shit❤

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