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Modern AU

(Italics mean the characters thoughts)

*Summary *
Takes place after 8th year. Harry has a job as an auror and absolutely hates it. Harry hasn't seen anyone from Hogwarts for a little while, due to his busy schedule (except for Hermione and Ron). After a little trip to a karaoke bar he's shocked to see a well known Slytherin there. Preforming no less.

3rd POV

It was a late Friday night. Harry sighed as he rested his head back on his chair. Everyone in the building had already went home. Harry on the other hand stayed behind in his office to finish several reports.

The dark haired wizard glanced up at the clock and groaned. It was late, it was really late. Harry decided it was late enough and gathered his papers in order before grabbing his coat and heading straight out the door.

The man quickly used his wand to redress himself out of his robes and made his way to the world of muggles.

Harry walked the dark streets, illuminated by only the neon signs on the clubs and bars.

Harry's POV

I ran my hand through my messy hair and undid my tie. I had wondered to the streets in search of someplace to unwind the stress of work.

A little place glowed by the corner of the street caught my attention.

"Karaoke" I said out loud.

I made my way to the entrance of the little place. I smiled lightly. Here's a place where I can just enjoy myself without being crowded for being the one who killed Voldemort, the boy who lived.

I walked inside and was immediately hit with a smell of alcohol and food. I looked around the place. It wasn't too small but it looked comfortable. There were several tables spread throughout the room, occupied by mostly frat boys and party girls. There were stools by the bar by the corner of the room and right next to it was a stage where a couple was currently performing a song.

"Why don't you come on over, Valerie?" The couple ended their song and there were claps and loud cheers throughout the club.

I cheered as well, smiling at how much fun this place seemed.

I made my way to the bar and got a drink to start my night. The bartender slid me my drink and I didn't waste a second to put it up to my lips. Just then a man walked out on the stage.

" okay next up on the stage, we've got one of our usuals!"

The entire crowd cheered and I clapped as well. Not a moment later a man clad in black jeans and a leather jacket with pastel blue hair made his way to the little stage and the crowd went wild.

The man turned to face the crowd and I almost chocked on my drink.


"Hello everyone" Draco said into the microphone sweetly. "If you've been here before you probably already know who I am. Though I do see some new faces here."

At that statement I took another swing of my drink and tried to keep my face hidden by turning to the bar and ordering another drink.

"Ok let's get on with the show now!" Draco yelled excitedly as the song started.

I grabbed my newly filled drink and quietly watched the man I had loved at Hogwarts preform.

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