Baby steps

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Nobody is perfect, but let's be better people for our children's sake.

Sunmi placed the frame on Jungkook's desk smiling to herself, it'd been a few months since Hea was born. They hardly spoke to their parents and it was a really odd family dynamic they had going for them. Hoseok and Sunmi married while Jungkook is married the Hana, Hoseok's younger sister. All this marriage for them to be able to run the Jung's business as well, making them a stronger company basically their parent's power move.

The Jeon's and the Kim's pushing their children together, forcing them to care for one another without realizing. Becoming each other's perfect partner, growing to fill their fathers' shoes. Power move again by the infamous families, everything they did was to go up in the business world. They went as far as to manipulate their children into becoming irreplaceable, only they could work together neither could replace the other. Meaning the Jeon's couldn't lose any say in the company and neither could the Kim's.

"You're early," Jungkook came in, taking her from her thoughts. She stood from his chair giving him a smile, he gave her a small kiss on the cheek while taking off his blazer.

"Hea wakes up really early Jungkook, I would think you'd know since you have her half the week," They lived closer to each other, each buying a house a mile apart in the country. The commute to the office growing by 45 minutes but worth it to be further from their parents and closer to each other. A simple walk over and they could both spend time with Hea.

"Yeah, I got in a bad fight with Hana. I might come to your house and stay for my days with Hea," he sat back in his chair, Sunmi looking worried seeing the dark circles under his eyes.

"Why are you fighting? I thought we were all figured out and okay?" Sitting in the chair across from his desk, she crossed her legs watching as he massaged his temples.

"She wants to try and have a baby and I said no," her eyes widening at his words, she placed a hand over her flat belly. Thinking if she wanted to have a baby with Hobi yet.

"It'll happen one-day Jungkook, some fight it. She's your wife, we have to have children." She stood getting ready to go start work in her own office.

"You're pregnant. I can tell, Congrats," he kept his head back, letting it hang off the back of his chair. She looked down at her flat belly, she just had Hea, not more than 4 months ago. "Go ahead do what you gotta do, I'll cover for your loss."

His words igniting the fire inside of her, she rushed into her office gathering her belongings before telling June to leave at lunch for the day and take messages. Finally making it home after stopping at the store to buy a test, she caught Hobi dancing in the living room while Hea laughed watching him.

"Is she eating something she shouldn't?" Sunmi saw the cookie package not far from her high chair, he looked shocked for a second before grabbing a cookie and dancing to his wife.

"You're home super early, it's not even past 8," he looked down at the pharmacy bag in her hands, raising his brows as she pulled out the pregnancy test.

"Did you know, a lot of women make the mistake of thinking that after a baby they can't get pregnant. But you definitely can, and we definitely have had a ton of sex the two months." He took the box from her hand, taking Hea out of her high chair and putting her down in the pack and play.

"Take it then, but why are you even?" He followed her to the bathroom as she shed her business clothes, left in her bra and panties as she stepped into the bathroom to take the test.

"Jungkook said I was glowing," she shut the door giving herself the privacy. A few minutes later she stepped out giving him a smile and nodding her head, she held up the positive pregnancy test.

"I'm gonna be a dad. Again?" He grinned bringing her into his arms, "you should make a doctors apportionment."

She nodded picking up her phone calling the doctor.


Hoseok sat in the chair shaking his leg watching the doctor enter, she sat in front of her computer as Sunmi followed her inside. Sunmi kissed him on the cheek before taking a seat next to him, the doctor cleared her throat watching the couple.

"So your blood test came back. Congratulations you're pregnant," Sunmi giggled her smile brighter than ever as she held Hoseok's hand. His smile faded as the doctor flipped through the file.

"But see this," she turned the computer screen to them showing a few pictures. "This is your blood cells, your white count is way down. So we ran a few samples and I'm sorry but it seems like cancer. We need to run more test."

Sunmi stared at the doctors face the woman gave them a sad smile, she stood and left the room giving them privacy. She left the paperwork on the desk for them to look over, Hoseok grabbed it reading about CLL.

"Baby, hey look at me. It'll be okay," Hoseok grabbed her chin looking into her tear stained eyes.

"I don't wanna die Hobi," he pulled her into his arms, letting her sobs fill the office. The doctor coming back in after 15 minutes taking Sunmi to the back, the test filling up their whole day.

Hoseok had to leave Sunmi overnight at the hospital, he walked into his home seeing Jungkook passed out on the couch with Hea on his chest. He took the baby softly placing her in her crib cracking the door, Jungkook awake when he returned.

"Where Sunny?" He stretched his arms as Hoseok grabbed out two beers from the fridge. He took a seat next to Jungkook ushering the beer in his hand.

"She has leukemia, we have to terminate the pregnancy or else she could die and the baby," Jungkook stopped breathing, time stopping his heart as a tear fell from his eye. Leukemia the word had an end to it, just hearing the word made his heartbreak.

"What room?" Jungkook out the beer down standing up and walking to the door he pulled on his shoes.

"312," Hoseok leaned back on the couch letting the tears slowly fall from his eyes, the door slamming bringing out of his state. He grabbed a blanket and pillow going into Hea's room, he laid on the floor watching her as she slept before slowly drifting off himself.

Jungkook stepped into the hospital room making eye contact with Sunmi, she simply looked away keeping her face in the files from work. The steady beeping of the monitor attached to her filling the silent room. She threw down the papers letting then crash on the floor holding her arms out to him, he sprinted across the room his face falling onto her lap as he kneeled next to the bed.

His tears quickly soaking through the thin hospital gown, the thought of losing each other too much for them to handle. The nurse stood in the doorway with her clipboard, backing away and closing the door softly.

"It'll be okay," Jungkook climbed into the bed with her on his chest, the sobs erupting from her chest like none he's ever heard come from her.

They got through everything together surely they could get through this too... right?

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