Six years ago

11 0 0

I had a decent start to the day, I guess. I took a shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and went to school. Once at school I went to my locker, number 421, it's a pretty disappointing locker number, I know. There was a note inside from my best friend, Peter. Whatever, it's just gonna be a stupid note. That's the day I found out my best friend was Spider-Man, and that the next day, I was going to meet the Avengers. So, Peter wasn't at school that day because he was too busy meeting the avengers without me, whatever, who cares. Nothing else noteworthy happened that day. The next day, I got to ride in Tony Stark's private jet. I always thought Tony was an a-hole, but he's not that bad once you get to know him. Here's the part that I still can't comprehend:
"Whoah... this is amazing..." I said as I looked around. Then, out of any of the Avengers, any of the Avengers, Captain America walked up to me and held out his hand.
"Uh...." I just stared at his hand.
"Do you not know how to shake hands, kid? My name's Steve Rodgers, what's yours?"
I shook his hand,"M-my names E-Eli, s-sir. E-Eli M-Miller..." I, of course, was incredibly nervous and made a fool of myself while greeting, the, Captain, mother-freaking, America. Then, he said the words that I will never forget in my entire life,"Nice to meet you, Miller." I couldn't believe I had just met the idol I had looked up to for the majority of my life, the person I idolized so much, I believed I would never be high enough status to be in a one-mile radius of him, and I had just shook his hand. Then, there was Thor, meeting him was just as much of a trip, I had just met the first Avenger, and now a literal god?! I swear I almost fainted, six years later, and I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. Then he started walking towards me.
"Uh, m-my name is Eli, sir, n-nice to meet you."
"The names Thor, Thor Odinson." He had a look in his eyes that said, do I know this kid? No, that's impossible... is it?
"You look a lot like my brother, I'm sure you've heard of him, his name is Loki. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were is son, but that's completely irrational." Boy was he wrong.

I don't really remember anything else that happened that day, but whatever.

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