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There was no sign of Deidara anywhere!

As I ran through the forest,i had activated my sharingan to scan for any sign of him.but I got nothing.

The sun was already setting,which meant I had to go back to hideout.i frowned as I slowed my pace.i wonder where he went?this wasn't like Deidara,he was always in his post.

I should get back anyways..I thought.maybe I'll try again tomorrow.

I turned around and headed to the north where the hideout was.i need to heal my body and rest,who knows what training will be like tomorrow with...him.

I sighed,what will Sasuke do now that he knows we're family.i had a feeling he won't change and that he'll act as if it was nothing.yet again,I don't know how he shouldn't matter to me though,he tried to kill me....but he did have Itachis influence minipulating him like Madara was with me,only I didn't try to kill him after I called a truce.

We can't all have what we want,I'm jus glad Madara had given me some chances to prove myself and to show I love him,I know he must've gotten the idea when I completely surrendered myself to him.he only said those things to me to see if I would agree..and now that he knows I'll do anything for him,he'd have to see that I love him.

I wouldn't do this out of hatred,or vengeance..I truly loved him..if only he knew how much I did.

I just want to be by his side forever,and support him no matter what.

The hideout was in sight.

I enhanced the chakra in my feet and jumped up into the air,skipping a few feet.I landed right in front of the entrance.i dusted my clothes off before entering,then walked in.

The soft tapping of my footsteps echoed throughout the cave.i made sure to keep quiet,I didn't know if anyone would be asleep,well..assuming that there were,not including myself or Obito since he isn't here,but only two people inside here that never seem to sleep.

Well it never hurts to be courteous.

I made my way to my room quietly,me and Madaras room neighbored each other.everytime I looked at his door,I was always tempted to just walk in.

But I knew how he was..

I opened my door and stepped into my barley used was gloomy in here,dark and depressing.

I shut the door and went straight to the bed.

I need to rest..i thought as I sat down on the edge of the bed.

I grabbed my forearm.

Today was a long and exhausting day of training,thats all I ever did these days.but I didn't mind it.i feel as though I'm getting close to becoming the most strongest kunoichi.

My head lifted up when I heard my door opening.


I watched as he walked in.this was strange,usually he leaves me alone during these hours.

"Y-Yes?"i said standing.

He approached me,"I'm returning this."he said holding out his hand.

I looked down.

My eyes welled with tears when I saw what he was holding.

My eyes welled with tears when I saw what he was holding

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My fathers headband!I thought I had lost it!

"Y-you kept it all this time?"I asked as I gently picked it up.

Father..I thought as I starred at it.

"I have an idea on what you feel towards the village."he said.

I looked up meeting his stare.

"The headband might represent the hidden leaf village,but it's the only thing you have left of your father."he explained.

Every word he had spoken was right.

Tears fell from my eyes.i c-can't believe he picked it up that day I was horrible everyone was to me...but it all changed.

"Madara!"I cried out and threw myself onto him.

He stiffened to my touch.i wrapped my arms around his neck as I cried.he didn't know how much this meant to me!it was the only thing I had left that connected me to my parents!

Izuna!you were right!you were so right about him!

Madara was a good man!he knew what it was to hurt,to suffer,to feel loss and lucky to have someone like him in my life.

I'm never letting go of him..not ever.

His hands grabbed my waist,he gently pulled me off.

"Rest now.."he said letting go and taking a step back.

I reached out but he had already turned and walked to the door.

"Madara!"I called out as he barley grabbed the handle.I wiped my tears.

"Thank don't know how much this means to me.."I said in a shaky tone.

He paused,but never faced me.he just continued to stare at the door.if only I knew what he was thinking.after a small moment of silence he finally opened the door and left shutting it.

I smiled looking down to the headband in my hands.i never thought I would be more happy to see this thing.

Even though I hated the leaf,this was worn at all times by my father.

I leaned backwards,falling on my back onto the bed.

The only thing I had from my father.

The one thing that told me I came from somewhere.

"Father,mother."I said placing it on my chest.

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